Global Excellence for the Rotman-SDA Bocconi GEMBA: 7th ww in the QS Executive MBA Rankings

Gaining one position in the general ranking, the joint Global Executive MBA excels in Employer Reputation and Career Outcomes, reflecting its impact on our graduates’ careers.


SDA Bocconi School of Management has reached a significant milestone with its Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) program, offered in partnership with Rotman School of Management, advancing to 7th place in the QS Executive MBA Rankings 2024: Joint Programmes. This improvement over last year’s position highlights the program’s strengthened global reputation and excellence.


The QS Global Executive MBA Rankings evaluate programs through a comprehensive methodology that assesses their reputation among academics and employers, the demographics of its cohort and the career progression of its graduates, ensuring that the rankings reflect the true value and impact of the programs on the global market. 


GEMBA’s rise in the rankings is primarily due to its outstanding performance in key indicators, such as Employer Reputation and Career Outcomes. These metrics highlight the high regard in which the program’s graduates are held by leading employers globally, as well as the significant career advancements they achieve post-graduation, including a notable salary increase and strong promotion rates within a year of graduation. 


"Within a rankings season that shows our improvement on many fronts, this particular ranking highlights the international dimension of SDA Bocconi, not only in terms of notoriety but especially in our ability to collaborate with other key players in international higher education," says Dean Stefano Caselli.


Ferdinando Pennarola, SDA Bocconi Director of GEMBA, expressed his pride in the program’s progress, “This achievement reflects the intensive work done by all the members of our Faculty and represents an additional confirmation of the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines our joint GEMBA program”, he stated. “We remain committed to continually enhancing our program to exceed the expectations of our students, providing them with exceptional opportunities and fostering professional growth.” 


A modular program designed for managers operating in international contexts, the Rotman-SDA Bocconi GEMBA program combines the skills, peculiarities and perspectives of two leading management schools in North America and Europe and serves as a launch pad for future career phases. The course offers integrated preparation for senior management roles, connecting participants with a global network of exceptional managers, faculty, executives and thought-leaders. The program spans 18 months and is delivered across eight international business hubs, including Milan, Rome, Toronto, Shanghai, Mumbai, San Francisco, Copenhagen and São Paulo.


SDA Bocconi School of Management