SDA Bocconi, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and the Department for Programming and Coordination of Economic Policy (DIPE) have established a partnership for the training of public sector executives


Public administration is going through a process of profound transformation due to the growing complexity of challenges that require new approaches and skills, not only to better use resources but also to introduce true innovation in investment models and management of public services, using also the capabilities and resources of the market.


In this scenario SDA Bocconi created an advanced course in public investment management, organized in collaboration with Dipartimento per la programmazione e il coordinamento della politica economica (DIPE) and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and directed by Professor Veronica Vecchi.

The program will take place over 16 days, 11 on-site at Milan and Rome SDA Bocconi campuses and 5 remotely, between October 26 and January 31, 2024.


The goal is to support the development of strategic and operational skills of PA. Participants are expected to carry out a final project, that can be actually implemented, and will be supported by CDP experts and SDA Bocconi faculty.


Participation is free (thanks to the help of CDP under the InvestEU Program and the partnership with DIPE) and open to 50 people. The evaluation and selection process will be done by SDA Bocconi and will have an equal distribution between men and women.

You can apply by October 10, 2023 at the following link:


SDA Bocconi School of Management


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