MCF Success Stories: Alumni Talk About Their Big Career Jumps

Master in Corporate Finance


For Ashita Ohri and Marie Christine Najjar, the Master in Corporate Finance launched them to their next career move and gave them a life-long community of support.


The Master in Corporate Finance (MCF) directed by Federico Pippo is an intensive 1-year program that equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in international finance management.

The program takes young participants and transforms them into capable and highly skilled finance professionals who take on major roles in companies around the world.

We spoke to two former students to share their MCF success stories.


Marie Christine Najjar is currently a consultant at BCG in Dubai, but the journey to get there has taken her through Italy, Spain and Lebanon, her home country. Most of her education was spent in Milan, and after a degree at Bocconi University, she found the MCF program at SDA Bocconi to be the perfect opportunity to take her abilities to the next level.

“It’s the best thing that could have happened to my career because I grew my skills but also my confidence in my skills and what I can bring to the table,” she said.

Najjar also cites the programs academic rigor as a challenge she tackled with determination because she understood the prestige that companies assign a degree from SDA Bocconi.

In fact, before even finishing up classes, she had already landed an offer for her current position. Although she is now living in Dubai, she feels she has never left her SDA Bocconi community simply for the reach of its network and how deep its roots go.

“Once you leave SDA Bocconi, you never really leave it,” she said. “When people reach out to me, I am always happy to help, and I know the generations before me feel that way as well and are happy to help those who came after.”


Ashita Ohri also mentions the community she gained from the program as a big part of her experience.

Originally from India, Ohri is currently interning as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst in Merger & Acquisitions at BNP Paribas in Frankfurt, Germany. Finding a fellow alumnus in her new city gave her a strong sense of belonging.

“SDA Bocconi has the best people from around the world, and it's worth being involved in the business school as a whole in addition to the cohort,” she said.

The MCF program helped Ohri change paths, from real estate analyst to investment banking. She cites not only the academic knowledge learned in the classroom as boosting her skills but also the interaction with industry leaders and fellow participants who helped her gain perspective and humility.

“MCF is a near-perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical scenarios. The course draws its maturity from the experiences of industry experts and professionals who were regulars in our classrooms and professors, most of whom are experts in their respective fields,” she added.

Given her positive experience, when looking back, the moment she received her acceptance letter will forever be a fond memory. “That was the decision that changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined,” she concluded.



SDA Bocconi School of Management

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