- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 9 Apr 2025
- 3 Days
- Class
- Italian
Valutare le opportunità di finanziamento di fonte europea a sostegno dei propri progetti di investimento, ricerca e innovazione, e gestire al meglio i fondi ottenuti.
The learning journey has come to a close for the EMMIO 8 cohort and participants graduated in an emotional ceremony a week and a half after a busy reunion full of exciting events and speakers.
There’s never a dull moment for EMMIO – Executive Master in Management of International Organizations. Participants from various years came together on the SDA Bocconi campus to interact with their fellow EMMIO alumni, professors and current students.
“The reunion is an important moment to talk about what is going on, learn from each other, and build solutions for current and future challenges. This leads me to the topic of the reunion, which is tech,” said Greta Nasi, EMMIO Director at the beginning of the reunion.
The theme of the reunion explored the areas of technology that most affect the world of international organizations and offered participants a chance to understand changing trends and applications and how to use them in a positive way to tackle global challenges.
“I’m not here to convince you that tech is important. We are more than convinced about its role and how we can use it,” said Gianluca Salviotti, Associate Professor of Practice, Information Systems and Digital Transformation at SDA Bocconi, in his talk “Exploring the Transformational Impact of Emerging Digital Technologies for International Organizations”. “We have to be able to identify and assess which tech can provide value for citizens, cities, users, and beneficiaries.”
That was followed by a fascinating talk on “Space Solutions to Achieve the 2030 Agenda” by Simonetta di Pippo, Director of the Space Economy Evolution Lab and a Professor at SDA Bocconi, who spoke about cooperation in space and the role of cross-cultural interactions in the space field as a platform for peace and diplomacy.
The rest of the weekend-long event included talks with two experienced professionals in tech and AI fields.
“It’s important to look at the role emerging technologies can play in driving innovative solutions sustainably in developing countries. We must internationally use the mainstream emergence of AI to improve the quality of human life first, and organizations that focus on this will not only generate wealth but create wealth for all,” said Dare Odumade, CEO of Chekkit, in his conversation with Greta Nasi on “User Intelligence by Leveraging Blockchain Technology and AI”.
The EMMIO Director also discussed with Advit Nath, Controller and Director at IFAD and Global Blockchain Business Council Regional Ambassador, about “Leveraging AI for MDBS and BLOCKCHAIN4DEVELOPMENT”. Mr. Nath said that “AI possesses unparalleled potential to provide solutions for humanity's most pressing dilemmas, from climate change to the food crisis. It is now up to us to act for a better tomorrow.”
The reunion is just another example of the incredible experience EMMIO participants receive. Although it’s about more than just the opportunities to learn from experts in a variety of sectors. It’s also about the group of people who come to be friends for life. The reunion remembered Ian Richard Schaefer, who passed prematurely. His parents were present to receive a memorial plaque from the EMMIO Director Greta Nasi –"In memory of a curious, generous and brilliant Alumnus".
Comradery and life-long friendships were a common sentiment also expressed at the EMMIO 8 graduation as participants reminisced about their year of challenges and beautiful memories and looked ahead to the next steps they will take alongside their EMMIO community.
“This is a graduation, but it’s also a bridge because you are bridging yourself as students and alumni, which you will remain forever.” said Stefano Caselli, Dean of SDA Bocconi in his welcome speech.
As the EMMIO graduation and reunion drew to a close, the participants embarked on a new chapter, carrying with them cherished memories and a shared commitment to excel in their respective fields. As expressed by Alexander Hiedemann, the EMMIO Coordinator, "We eagerly await future reunions, where the EMMIO family will persistently convene, nurturing collaboration, innovation, and lifelong bonds.”
SDA Bocconi School of Management
Valutare le opportunità di finanziamento di fonte europea a sostegno dei propri progetti di investimento, ricerca e innovazione, e gestire al meglio i fondi ottenuti.
Offrire le conoscenze e competenze relative all’imprenditorialità sociale e al management del terzo settore per nuovi modelli di business sostenibili.
Acquire the knowledge and key tools needed to be an effective leader in the public administration.