New investment strategies amidst geopolitics and sustainability: the education program designed for the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Academy

A partnership to inspire CDP managers and show them new paths for the development of tomorrow.


Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has decided to entrust SDA Bocconi to design "Strategy, Sustainability and Finance," a custom course that the School designed as an advanced education program for the CDP Academy. The course brings together managers and leaders from across the group to foster a connection, inspire new methods of collaboration and generate innovative ideas for an increasingly sustainable future.

“Strategy, Sustainability and Finance" takes place over 5 days and enables participants to develop a broad overview of the major changes that are affecting financial investment strategies globally.

Starting with an analysis of the most innovative national strategic funds – those focused on new technologies, sustainability and social cohesion – the goal is to provide CDP managers with the skills necessary to guide the country toward investment choices that can respond to the profound transformations that markets are experiencing around the world. Some of the key topics at the center of the program include: the role of Europe in a constantly evolving geopolitical landscape, and digital and ESG criteria that serve as key factors for the future growth of companies and organizations, the contributions of strategic funds to the construction of “European public goods” in the new regulatory and technological context.

“The strategic challenge we pose to CDP management and the network companies is to accelerate the evolution from the traditional rationale of a portfolio of holdings to a role as  platforms that enable innovation in the country system, in line with the major subjects of European transformation,” said Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffè, Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at SDA Bocconi and scientific director of the course.

“CDP and the companies in its network consider fundamental a dialogue with the world of managerial and economic-financial research, confirming its commitment to the plan to modernize the Italian economy and oversee strategic sectors, in cooperation with European and international partners,” said Giovanni Gorno Tempini, President of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, who spoke at the course’s inauguration. 

SDA Bocconi School of Management

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