- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 18 Mar 2025
- 1,5 days
- Blended
- Italian
Approfondire logiche e strumenti di service management utili per coloro che hanno l’ambizione di ri-progettare e ri-orientare i servizi pubblici.
Besides monitoring the implementation of NRRP investments, the PNRR Lab will study the impact of measures and promote cooperation to maximize positive effects in a project involving public and private partners
SDA Bocconi School of Management launches a new Lab with a dedicated focus on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. This is the PNRR Lab (website in Italian), which will operate not only as an active subject to monitor the implementation of the NRRP, but will also assess the economic, environmental and social impact of the reforms and investments included in the Plan, both at national and local level. In addition, it will study the ideal conditions for private investments that have a multiplier effect on the territory, thus enhancing the collaboration between public and private.
PNRR Lab, part of SDABocconi4Gov’s effort together with M&M-Idee per un Paese migliore, numbers among its founders Adecco, Ferrovie dello Stato, Snam, Intesa Sanpaolo, Enel Foundation (the latter two also being the Lab’s knowledge partners). Other partners include Assist Digital, Coima SGR, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Habacus, Pirelli e WINDTRE.*
Head of the Steering Committee is Giovanni Valotti, professor of Public Administration Economics and Management at Bocconi, while Fabrizio Pagani, economist and Chairman of M&M-Idee per un Paese Migliore will chair the Advisory Board. Carlo Altomonte, professor of European Economic Policy at Bocconi, will be scientific director.
“The NRRP represents an unprecedented opportunity for our country,” stressed the Dean of SDA Bocconi, Giuseppe Soda. “The School, together with all partners of the initiative, intends to play its part not only through the constant monitoring of the implementation of the PNRR, but also by studying and evaluating the impacts that PNRR projects will have on the country as a system at all levels. This will help revamp the public administration and foster virtuous collaboration between the public and private sectors.”
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan represents a huge opportunity to recover and relaunch the country's competitiveness: 191.5bn euros (plus €30bn of complementary fund) out of the overall €750bn Next Generation EU fund for European development. As far as Italy is concerned, the more than €220bn will finance fundamental reforms for development and a total of 151 different investment projects within the six missions of the plan, ranging from digitalization to ecological transition, infrastructure, education, inclusion, and health.
In terms of monitoring and evaluating the impacts of reforms and investments of the Plan, SDA Bocconi’s PNRR Lab will develop a database of indicators that will allow the creation of specific focuses (such as the M&M PNRR Radar and the Value for Society Barometer) and will produce impact assessment models aiming at re-orienting the actions of decision makers at all institutional levels. Thanks to its knowledge partners, it will monitor the stages of implementation of the NRRP in terms of reforms and investments across its three strategic axes (digitalization, sustainability, South) and in certain key areas (public administration, urban regeneration, training, innovation, infrastructure, health). It will also provide a benchmark against selected European countries. It will map the actual implementation at national, regional and local level, describing the investment processes and their consistency with planned expenditure timings. Furthermore, it will define some guidelines on how to improve public-private collaboration in order to enhance resources and attract capital. Finally, it will propose actions to modernize public administration.
SDA Bocconi School of Management
*The PNRR Lab name as well as the terms "Partner", "Founding Partner" and "Knowledge Partner" represent names exclusively for communication purposes that do not identify any individual with legal personality. Therefore, joining the project does not involve the creation of an associative bond between the members.
Approfondire logiche e strumenti di service management utili per coloro che hanno l’ambizione di ri-progettare e ri-orientare i servizi pubblici.
Il corso offre le competenze indispensabili per gestire efficacemente la funzione aziendale preposta a partecipare ai processi decisionali tramite i quali le istituzioni definiscono le "regole del gioco".
Valutare le opportunità di finanziamento di fonte europea a sostegno dei propri progetti di investimento, ricerca e innovazione, e gestire al meglio i fondi ottenuti.