- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 27 nov 2024
- 2 days
- Class
- Italian
Il corso punta a potenziare le competenze manageriali e definire le logiche e gli strumenti fondamentali a supporto del cambiamento “agile” dei modelli organizzativi.
The Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR) has recently been approved by the Council of the European Union, and a first portion of funds for Italy was unlocked so as to kick-start the ambitious set of reforms our country will have to carry out in order to restore its growth potential.
Among these reforms, the PNRR highlights an absolute need to permanently increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Pubblic Administration, an essential element for promoting improved state services and encouraging new investments. But blocking turnover and cutting training expenditure for years has caused a gap to open between available skills and the skills required of government entities to face the new social needs.
As explicitly stated in the PNRR, this entails activating qualified and personalized training journeys, based on the detection of professional needs and skill gaps of public executives and employees.
To address this need and help public administrators develop their skills, SDA Bocconi’s Government Academy signed several agreements with important public institutions, both at a central and local level. Among those institutions, INPS, the Municipality of Milano, Camera di Commercio di Milano and ATER Umbria created personalized training journeys. They worked with the Government Academy’s faculty to analyze their own organizational and individual needs, and opted for the best suited learning activities to fill their skill gaps.
During the Government Academy’s training courses, employees shared their experience with other participants coming from the world of public administration (something they will continue to do during the courses starting in September). They have thus created a qualified network of professionals that can support the transfer of knowledge within the various organizations and accompany the process of change required from the public sector to help restart the whole country.
SDA Bocconi School of Management
Il corso punta a potenziare le competenze manageriali e definire le logiche e gli strumenti fondamentali a supporto del cambiamento “agile” dei modelli organizzativi.
Il corso aiuta a comprendere le motivazioni strategiche alla base del PPP e le sue modalità operative per preparare PA e operatori economici a utilizzare lo strumento in modo adeguato e sostenibile.
Approfondire logiche e strumenti di service management utili per coloro che hanno l’ambizione di ri-progettare e ri-orientare i servizi pubblici.