- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 17 Mar 2025
- 4,5 days
- Class
- Italian
Comprendere e gestire le variabili rilevanti negli investimenti immobiliari come convenienza economica e strutturazione del finanziamento bancario dei progetti.
The School Board nominated by the Dean Giuseppe Soda reflects a vision of the future based on a key formula: branded educational experiences.
Organizations evolve following the people who lead them. And the new SDA Bocconi School of Management’s Board mirrors the direction Giuseppe Soda wants to impress on the School. Soda has appointed six associate deans, who join him and the managing director, Lucia Benedetti, in the Board.
The vision of Soda, who took office in early November with the team of the new Rector Gianmario Verona, can be summarized in a key formula: branded educational experiences.
The basic assumption of a different vision of the role of SDA Bocconi is that the executive education market is undergoing a transformation, which promises to be long and disruptive. New players coming from sectors other than education are entering the market, with business models radically different from those of traditional business schools. And digital technologies facilitate the launch of new education formats, either in distance learning or blended, as a combination of distance and classroom learning. "Today," says Soda, "it is important to provide those who turn to us with long-run, integrated educational experiences that should include building high-competence professional networks, coaching, counseling on career development and more, in a very personalized way”. In order to do so, it is important to offer a unique set of experiences, based on two key assets: original content and a solid international experience. “One of the advantages that SDA Bocconi can boast over even the best European competitors is the close link with a university like Bocconi, with solid roots in research and a teaching staff that covers all the social sciences and with a good cultural diversity," says Soda.
The six associate deans will will be responsible for four markets, human capital development and internationalization. Andrea Beltratti, a Full Professor of Finance who has held and still holds important roles in the industry, is in charge of the Claudio Dematté Corporate and Financial Institutions Division, ie of the research and training tailored-made for businesses and financial institutions. The Government, Health and Not for Profit Division, a reference point for public administrations and healthcare institutions, is directed by Rosanna Tarricone, who also directs CERGAS, Bocconi’s Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management. Marco Tortoriello, a Full Professor of Management with long experience of teaching and designing education programs abroad (HEC Paris and IESE Barcelona), directs the Masters Division. The Open Market and New Business Division is directed by Gabriele Troilo, an expert of innovation at the helm of the introduction of new educational and experiential formats, to be offered to managers and entrepreneurs from various sectors. Human capital development is entrusted to the Associate Dean for SDA faculty, Andrea Dossi, an Associated Professor of accounting primarily dealing with strategic planning and control. The International Affairs go to Stefano Caselli, Bocconi University’s Dean with the same responsibility.
Source: ViaSarfatti25
Comprendere e gestire le variabili rilevanti negli investimenti immobiliari come convenienza economica e strutturazione del finanziamento bancario dei progetti.
Unlocking Europe's Unicorn Potential, empowering VC, PE and Entrepreneurs to grow from Startup to Scale-up in the FFF (Food, Fashion, and Furniture) and FS (Financial Services) Tech Sectors.
Padroneggiare strumenti e processi e affinare le soft skill utili alla funzione di controllo direzionale nel contesto di un’impresa sostenibile.