The MBA offered me a fantastic opportunity for me to expand my professional network and develop my business leadership skills. At SDA Bocconi, a well-balanced combination of theory and practice thoroughly prepared me for the real world of business. Following my MBA, I began a brand-new professional path in Milan. My MBA helped me get where I am now by forming my viewpoints and prepared me to work with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and cultures.
Following my MBA, I began a brand-new professional path in Milan. My MBA helped me get where I am now by forming my viewpoints and prepared me to work with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and cultures.
My MBA at SDA Bocconi is an enjoyable journey, albeit stressful at times. Being surrounded by so many intelligent and ambitious individuals, everyday my life is challenging and exciting. Standing at the end of this program and looking back, I’m so glad that I made the right choice of choosing this MBA. The journey and adventure continues!
Yingfei Li