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Full-Time MBA
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MBA | Words from the Director
Welcome to your future - Non stop MBA Experience
Sanchita Pasi: My MBA Journey at SDA Bocconi
Alessio Saviano: My MBA Journey at SDA Bocconi
FTMBA Opening Week - Antoniazzi
My MBA in 60 seconds - Arsalan Azmat
Women in MBA – Diversity Makes the difference, Man Li
Women in MBA – Diversity Makes the difference, Sindhuja Nanduri
Women in MBA – Diversity Makes the difference, Aija Thompson
My MBA in 60 seconds - Meghan Horntved
My MBA in 60 seconds - Kseniia Kastusik
My MBA in 60 seconds - Joel Antony Sloly
My MBA in 60 seconds - Eszter Sztranyay
My MBA in 60 seconds - Evgenii Kataev
MY MBA in 60 SECONDS, the story of Amy Seccareccia
MY MBA in 60 SECONDS, the story of Fabio Fratta
MY MBA in 60 SECONDS, the story of Joanna M. Glass
MY MBA in 60 SECONDS, the story of Claire Meyer
SDA Bocconi MBA's Conference and Regatta 2018
SDA Bocconi MBA's Conference and Regatta 2018
MBA Ski Cup
MBA Ski Cup
MBA Hires
#MBAHires. Why hire a SDA Bocconi MBA? - Elisa Cristadoro
#MBAHires. Why hire a SDA Bocconi MBA? - Leonardo Tedioli
#MBAHires. Why hire a SDA Bocconi MBA? - Claire Jones
#MBAHires. Why hire a SDA Bocconi MBA? - Kisha Gupta
Special MBA Seminars & Events
MBA: Open Day 18/01/2025
MBA: Imagine your jump - our Career Development Center
Changed by Women - a feminine take on MBA: stories and insights from our alumnae and students
MBA: Open Day 28/09/2024
MBA: Open Day 06/04/2024
MBA: Open Day 27/01/24
MBA: Open Day 23/09/23
MBA Live Talks - Innovation in the data economy - Paola Cillo
MBA Live Talks - From Hype to Reality: Can AI be your new Chief Strategy Officer - Marco Tortoriello
Directors' Presentation Full-Time MBA - EMBA - GEMBA
Explora Online - MBA
Online Classes
MBA Class: Performance Management & Control
MBA Class: Banks and Capital Markets
Web Presentations
MBA Supporting talent "Crack your GMAT"
Focus on our Career Development Center
Your MBA Journey: 5th stop - final Q&A with the Director
Your MBA Journey: 4th stop - our Career Development Center
3rd stop of the MBA Journey: Entrepreneurship + Sustainability
Your MBA Journey: 2nd stop - Scholarships and Loans
Your MBA Journey; 1st stop - SDA Bocconi MBA specific traits
MBA, Diversity & Inclusion
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