Roya Derakhshan

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Latest publications

DERAKHSHAN R., Soundararajan V., Agarwal P., Crane A. Coping with personhood limbo: Personhood anchoring work among undocumented workers in Italy Human Relations, 2024
Di Maddaloni F., DERAKHSHAN R. Stakeholders' perception of organization: an attribution and fairness perspective International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2024, vol.17, no. 1, pp.27-49
DERAKHSHAN R. Università e industria: la buona ricerca è questione di governance Economia & Management, 2023, no. 3, pp.85-89
DERAKHSHAN R. Building Projects on the Local Communities’ Planet: Studying Organizations’ Care-Giving Approaches Journal of Business Ethics, 2022, vol.175, pp.721-740
DERAKHSHAN R., Turner R. Understanding stakeholder experience through the stakeholder journey Project Leadership and Society, 2022, pp.100063
DERAKHSHAN R., FERNANDES G., MANCINI M. Emergence of Governance Structure in Collaborative University–Industry R&D Programs in Managing Collaborative R&D Projects. Leveraging Open Innovation Knowledge-Flows for Co-Creation Fernandes G., Dooley L., O'Sullivan D., Rolstadås A. (Eds),Springer, pp.209-221, 2021

Grants & Honors

IPMA Young Researcher Award - International Project Management Association (IPMA) , 2020
IPMA-PMI- Best Student Paper Awards - International Project Management Association (IPMA) , 2018
Scholarship awarded in support of admission to double degree PhD designed by Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Program (EDIM), at Politecnico di Milano and Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - EU European Union , 2016