Michela Meregaglia is Researcher of Heath Economics & HTA at the Government, Health and Not for Profit Knowledge Group at SDA Bocconi. She joined the Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management (CERGAS), Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Area, in 2012. Since 2019, she is Contract Professor of "Pharmacy Management and Pharmacoeconomics" and "Pharmacoeconomics and Market Access" at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Her main areas of research include economic evaluation of healthcare programmes, cost of illness analyses, health-related quality of life and health state utility estimation, preference elicitation methods in healthcare. She is author of several publications in the fields of health economics and health service research and reviewer for many international academic journals. Her manuscripts have been published in Value in Health, Pharmacoeconomics, the European Journal of Health Economics, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, Plos One, and Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, among others.
She has been involved in several national and international projects, such as the EU-funded BD4BO (2017-2019) promoting the development of value-based and outcomes-focused healthcare systems in Europe through the use of big data, and IMPACT-HTA (2018-2020) proposing new and improved methods, tools, and guidance for decision-makers in the context of HTA.
She holds a MSc in Economics and Management from Bocconi University, a 2nd level Master in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Catholic University, and a PhD in Health Economics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). She is member of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA), the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) and the Topics Board of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). She is married with a child.