- Start Date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 12 Mar 2025
- 12 Days
- Class
- Italian
Per adottare un approccio interfunzionale alle scelte manageriali e trasformare il Supply Chain Management da mero centro di costo a processo strategico.
Marco Bettucci is a Lecturer of Operations and Technology at SDA Bocconi School of Management.
At SDA Bocconi, he is the Category Leader in Operations & Supply Chain Management. He is head of the Executive Programs in Operations & Manufacturing Management and in Supply Chain Management. He is a professor in Executive MBA programs.
He has undertaken consulting projects for performance improvement in more than 80 companies operating in different industrial and distribution sectors.
His research activities focus on operations strategy, on logistics network design, supply chain planning, inventory management, material flow optimization, supply chain information systems, performance measurement, industrial organization and reengineering processes. In the last few years, he has dealt with omnichannel in the retail sector.
He is the author of numerous books and articles on his topic of interest. His works have been published in Sistema & Imprese, Economia&Management, Logistica e Management and the International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology and he is the author of two books (“Competere con la logistica” and “Omnicanalità”). He is a member of the technical and scientific committee of the journal Logistica and he is a partner in a consultancy company in Milan working in operations, supply chain management and information systems.
Marco earned a degree in Management Engineering from Politecnico of Milan. He is married with two daughters.
Per adottare un approccio interfunzionale alle scelte manageriali e trasformare il Supply Chain Management da mero centro di costo a processo strategico.
Il programma mira a sviluppare e potenziare le competenze per definire l’assetto produttivo più coerente con la strategia aziendale e fare le migliori scelte per quanto riguarda i processi gestionali, l’organizzazione della produzione in ottica lean e la misurazione delle performance sia operative che economico-finanziare.