Laura Ru Yun Pan

Strategy and Operations


Latest publications

PAN L. R. Y. New technologies and the future of customer experience in The Future of Luxury Customer Experience: How to Create High-Value, Personalized Omnichannel Experiences Gabriella Lojacono(Ed), Kogan Page, chap. 10, pp.239-263, 2024
PAN L. R. Y. NFT per una nuova relazione con i clienti Economia & Management, 2023, no. 3, pp.31-33
LOJACONO G., PAN L. R. Y. Resilience of Luxury Companies in Times of Change De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2021
BORGHINI S., COLM L., PAN L. R. Y., MEDICI B. A superhero in your pocket: the phenomenon of super apps from a technocultural perspective XXI SIM Conference: Brands and Purpose in a changing era, October 17-19, 2024, Milano, Italy
PAN L. R. Y. Škodaverse: How Škoda Auto Entered the World of Web 3.0 2024, The Case Centre, Great Britain
BAGLIERI E., PAN L. R. Y., CROOM S. Servitization in the Luxury Industry: how luxury companies are redesigning their customer experience The 8th Naples Forum on Service, June 6-9, 2023, Napoli, Italy