David Bardolet is an Associate Professor of Practice of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Since 2018, he has been the Associate Dean for the SDA Bocconi Asia Center.
He teaches courses in business strategy, corporate strategy and entrepreneurship. He has also conducted research and education programs with many multi-national companies in a variety of industries. His current research activities focus on helping companies to improve the effectiveness of their corporate entrepreneurship efforts.
Recently he has also conducted research on behavioral strategy, resource allocation and strategic decision-making processes. In particular, he studies corporate resource allocation processes and the managerial biases that affect the efficiency of those processes.
His works have been published in Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal and Industrial and Corporate Change, among others, and his research has been presented and discussed at numerous academic conferences. He has won the Bocconi Teaching Excellence Award three times.
David earned a degree in Industrial Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona (Spain), an MBA from IESE Business School in Barcelona (Spain) and a Ph.D. in Management from the University of California Los Angeles (U.S.).