Angelo Ditillo



Latest publications

CAGLIO A., DITILLO A. The Field Research Method as Applied to Behavioural Accounting Research in The Routledge Handbook of Behavioural Accounting Research Theresa Libby, Linda Thorne (Eds),Routledge, pp.325-340, 2025
CAGLIO A., Daniele M., DITILLO A. Exploring innovation across organizations: the role of contracts and management controls Journal of Management and Governance, 2025
CAGLIO A., DITILLO A. Elevata incontrollabilità: quali obiettivi prestazioni e incentivi Economia & Management, 2023, no. 1, pp.92-95
Bedford D. S., DITILLO A. From Governing to Managing: Exploring Modes of Control in Private Equity Relationships European Accounting Review, 2022, vol.31, no. 4, pp.843-875
CAMERAN M., DITILLO A., PETTINICCHIO A. Come la tecnologia aiuta i revisori e le aziende Economia & Management, 2021, no. 4, pp.74-77
CAGLIO A., DITILLO A. Reviewing Interorganizational Management Accounting and Control Literature: A New Look Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2021, vol.33, no. 1, pp.149-169

Grants & Honors

Teaching Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
Best Paper Award 2018 - EAA - European Accounting Association , 2019
Excellence in Innovation Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2018
David Solomons Prize for the best paper published in 2012 in Management Accounting Research - Management Accounting Research , 2013
Best Professor of the Year Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2013
Best Paper Award with the paper 'Do environmental and task characteristics matter? Unveiling the relevance of relational factors in the control of local public services' (co-authors: D. Cristofoli, M. Liguori, M. Sicilia, I. Steccolini) - New Public Sector Seminar, Edimburgh , 2008
Best MBA Lecturer - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2006
Best Management Paper Award with the paper 'Dealing with uncertainty in knowledge-intensive firms: management control systems as knowledge integration mechanisms' - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2005
Best MBA Lecturer - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2005
Best Case Study - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2001