Procurement Lab is a research center for developing skills, streamlining operational models and mapping out future scenarios in purchase and supply relationship management.
Every year, SDA Bocconi’s Procurement LAB promotes structured applied research on frontier areas of procurement and supply chain management. Our approach combines methodological rigor and managerial relevance to address the practical needs of companies.
Continuous dialogue with companies is key both to developing and disseminating know-how. Participation in the Procurement LAB allows for the sharing of issues and best practices. SDA Bocconi designs and conducts events, panel meetings, workshops, and webinars to make both sharing activities and the time preceding and following events efficient and effective.
Knowledge spreading and targeted sharing of research results create and disseminate a culture of excellence and professionalism across purchase structures and processes, with a positive impact on their reputation. Every Procurement LAB initiative and activity adds to building the reputation of a company and its professionals, while at the same time making them an attractive career choice for talents.
Excellent results are achieved when starting from concrete needs. This is why SDA Bocconi invests a great deal of energy and resources in customized research: to develop useful projects and provide clients with hands-on solutions. The Procurement LAB is a stable resource that can produce ongoing knowledge on innovative topics of strategic importance for businesses and institutions at a national and international level.
It is governed by CPOs for CPOs, and designed to receive and provide knowledge, models and professional development. The planning horizon of the LAB is 3 years, with an annual plan shared with the sponsors.
Membership of the Procurement LAB is by invitation, so as to select the best experiences and professionalism in Italy, and minimize possible elements of conflict between participants. In addition to SDA Bocconi faculty members and researchers, the LAB is composed of:
Main Sponsors: