Research Outputs

This section contains only reports and abstracts available in English. All the other CEL’s outputs are available from the Italian website



P. Caiozzo, P. Guenzi, M. A. Sisti
Omnichannel Customer Experience Management.


P. Caiozzo, P. Guenzi
Short Presentation Sales Performance Management State of the Art
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Paola Caiozzo, P. Guenzi
Covid-19 Remote selling Progettare il futuro
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Vertical research



P. Caiozzo, P. Guenzi
The way to increase Customer experience: Service speed up


Laura Colm e Andrea Ordanini (2021)

Forgiare il Futuro: l’Effectuation Theory e il Percorso Imprenditoriale di Loccioni

Guenzi Paolo, Sisti Marco Aurelio, Caiozzo Paola (2020)

Gestire le vendite. L'eccellenza nel sales management, EGEA

Guenzi Paolo (2020)

Trasformazione Digitale Delle Vendite (La) Innovare Strategie E Processi Commerciali Con Le Tecnologie, Egea

Guenzi Paolo, Sisti Marco Aurelio, Caiozzo Paola (2018)

Gestire le vendite - Collana "Le Economie", Corriere Della Sera

Sisti Marco Aurelio, Guenzi Paolo, Caiozzo Paola (2015)

Gestire le vendite - L'eccellenza nel sales management

Guenzi Paolo, Dino Ruta (2013)

Leading teams: Tools and Techniques for Successful Team Leadership from the Sport World

Guenzi Paolo, Geiger Susi (2011)

Sales Management A multinational perspective

Guenzi Paolo, Dino Ruta (2010)

Team Leadership - Idee e azioni tra sport e management