The SEKC produces and disseminates knowledge through its team of academics and professionals, covering different areas of expertise, which allows a comprehensive and in-depth perspective of the ecosystems and their actors. The SEKC also organizes and supports initiatives for the diffusion and development of knowledge.
The main publications of the Sport and Entertainment Knowledge Center:
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Al di là della vittoria: il fan engagement tra identità e comunità - Economia & Management, 2023, no. 4, pp.95-98
Perché gli impianti sportivi sono per tutti un business vincente - Economia & Management, 2023, no. 4, pp.90-94
Una legacy (in)tangibile: quel che resta degli eventi sportivi - Economia & Management, 2023, no. 4, pp.85-89
Atleti e carriera: la partita si gioca anche fuori dal campo - Economia & Management, 2023, no. 4, pp.80-84
La Milano dei Giochi: sportiva, inclusiva e sempre più aperta - Economia & Management, 2023, no. 4, pp.75-79
Un modello di sport tra spirito olimpico e (iper) professionismo - Economia & Management, 2023, no. 4, pp.68-74
“Trend e competenze per il domani”, I progetti di Intesa Sanpaolo e il loro impatto dal punto di vista dei partners Università e Scuola, Osservatorio, Corporate Governance - Jan 2023
“The Impact Of Money Prizes From UEFA Competitions On Club's National Performance”, Sport, Business, Management: an International Journal.
“Scandalo plusvalenze nel calcio, Dino Ruta: “La soluzione? Il modello americano””, Open, 23 Dec 2021
“The relationship between governance structure and Club performances in Italy and England”, Sport, Business, Management: an International Journal.
“Legacy e Sostenibilità degli Eventi Sportivi”, SpazioSport (journal of CONI – Italian National Olympic Committee). Nr. 35, Oct-Dec.
“Mentalità Sportiva e People Strategy”, Direzione del Personale (journal of the Italian HR Directors Association – AIDP). Nr. 4.
“How to use a sponsorship Platform to support an international master brand strategy: The UniCredit UEFA Champions League sponsorship”, Journal of Brand Management, 21 (2): 133-149.
“What can business leaders learn from sports leadership?”, Strategic HR Review, vol. 13, n. 1.
“Leading Teams: Tools and Techniques for Successful Team Leadership from the Sports World”, European Business Review, Sep-Oct 2013.
“Caso Unicredit: la valutazione della sponsorizzazione della UEFA Champions League”, Economia & Management, vol. 2, pp. 89-110.
“The launch of new brands by professional soccer teams: The case of U.S. Lecce – Salento”, International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship, May 2006, pp. 251-266.
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“People Management in Sport Organizations”. In “Human Resource Management in Mission Driven Organizations: Lessons in HRM for Managing People in a Values-Driven Company”. Edited by Brewster, C. and Cerdin, J.L., Pearson FT Press. (978-0134097732)
“A strategic and pluralistic approach to planning legacy: the case of the Giro d’Italia”. In “The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Legacy: Meeting the Challenge of Major Sport Events” edited by Holt, R. and D. Ruta, Routledge, Sport and Leisure studies. (ISBN 978-0-415-67581-9).
“City Capacity Building: Preparing to Exploit the Legacy of a Large-Scale Sports Event. The Case of Valencia and the 2007 America’s Cup”. In “The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Legacy: Meeting the Challenge of Major Sport Events” edited by Holt, R. and D. Ruta, Routledge, Sport and Leisure studies. (ISBN 978-0-415-67581-9).
“Allenare Leader Responsabili”. In Magni, M. and Pennarola, F. (Eds), “Responsible Leadership: creare benessere, sviluppo e performance a lungo termine”, Egea, Milan.
“Strategic Management of Football Organisations”. In “Football Management”, UEFA,
"The integration of online and face-to-face social networking: the need for managerial reconfiguration. The experience", in Olivas-Lujan M.R. and Bondarouk T. (Eds.), “Social Media in Human Resource Management”, Emerald, pp. 181-200.
"The Effects of ICT on Sports Fan Management", in Torres-Coronas, T. and Vidal-Blasco, M.A., “Social e-Enterprise: Value Creation through ICT”, IGI Global, USA, pp. 243-262.
"Sport marketing and Facility Management: From Stadiums to customer-based multipurpose Leisure Centers", in Desbordes, M. and Bolle, G. (Eds.), “Marketing and Football: an international perspective”, Butterworth-Heinemann.
San Siro Stadium – Case study
Multi-purpose sport facility: il caso Seven Infinity
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
Sport Mediahouse
“Javier Zanetti: History of a Sports and Professional Career”.
“Catania - Palermo, 02.02.2007”.
“The Super League - The Future of European Football”.
“The Giro d’Italia Effects: The fairy tale of the Pink Race”.
“The Vero Volley Consortium: how to build a sustainable sports project”.
Scaling up the new format of the UEFA Women’s Champions League”.
“The Development of the OTT Broadcasters Within the Sports Market: The SKY Sport and DAZN cases”,The Case Center. Dell’Acqua, A. and Teti, E. (2015). “Juventus F.C.: the cost of capital”.
“A.C. Milan Case: corporate valutation”, ECCH.
“La pianificazione strategica della Federazione Danese”. D. Ruta (2014). “Violenza e divertimento nel campionato di calcio italiano: chi ne è responsabile?”
“Caso Unicredit: la valutazione della sponsorizzazione della UEFA Champions League”.