Strategic Innovation in the Digital Era - Fall Edition

Making Strategic Decisions Under Uncertainty Using Mental Frameworks and Data

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with us
Start date Nov 18, 2024
End date Nov 21, 2024
Duration 3 Days
Location Milano
Format Class
Language English
Price (+ VAT) € 3,500

Main Goal


The course explains how to use data to make strategic decisions. This is an important opportunity in the light of the huge availability of data associated with the digital revolution.

Strategic innovation in the digital era will improve the ability of any decision-maker, including those with limited knowledge of data analysis, to make informed decisions using data.

The course teaches managers how to make strategic decisions amid uncertainty using mental frameworks (theories) and data. In so doing, it provides methods for thinking and framing problems and the use of data to corroborate or falsify hypotheses, predictions or conjectures. In this respect, the program offers a very efficient path to learn exactly about the statistical and data analysis tools managers need to make their decisions.

Who is it for

The course is designed for managers and entrepreneurs, who are in charge of strategic decisions under uncertainty (e.g. innovation decisions, M&A, choice of employees, start-ups).
Strategic innovation in the digital era is designed for cross-industry professionals who need to support their forecasts with adequate analysis and interpretation.
The course requires no background in mathematics or statistics. It emphasizes intuition and all relevant concepts or methods will be explained from very basic concepts. The course will improve the skills of any decision-maker, including those with limited knowledge of data analysis, to make informed decisions using data.

Program Counseling

To help you understand if the content of the Program matches your expectations, and to help you choose the best course considering your profile and objectives, you can contact a Program Advisor for an interview.

Please write to Olesea Ciumas:

Structure & Topics Covered

1. How can managers make good decisions?

  • Biases, fallacies, and the most common pitfalls in managerial decisions
  • Kahneman’s thinking fast and slow
  • A simple representation of the decision-making process for innovation, start-ups, or new projects


2. A scientific method for managerial and innovation decisions

  • The notion of a “scientific” approach to managerial decisions
  • Decision-making approaches to handling uncertainty
  • Design thinking
  • First principles thinking
  • Discovery by design
  • Real options
  • Entrepreneurial experimentation
  • The lean start-up method

3. Basic tools for analyzing and interpreting managerial and innovation data

  • Random variables, probabilities, distributions
  • False positives and false negatives in managerial and innovation decisions
  • Correlation vs. causality in managerial and innovation decisions
  • Regression analysis to interpret managerial and innovation data
  • Practical session

4. A scientific approach to framing and validating customers’ problems and solutions

  • Innovation as problem solving
  • Antecedents and components of the scientific approach to innovation
  • Theory: Thinking and reasoning approaches and templates for problem-solution framing and validation
  • How to formulate hypotheses
  • Evidence: how to pick data analysis methods and metrics
  • Evaluation: judging evidence to reduce improper inference
  • Decision: setting thresholds and debiasing

5. Running experiments in your organization

  • Causality in data analysis
  • How to set an experiment and A/B tests
  • Difference-in-difference analyses
  • Practical session

6. Big data, artificial Intelligence, and machine learning for managerial and innovation decisions

  • What big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning can do for managerial decision-making
  • Examples of the use of big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning (pattern recognition, predictions)
  • Practical session


You will have the chance to examine your own journey in light of the experiences of those who are dealing with the same professional challenges.


Networking Aperitivo&Dinner. The Networking aperitivo & dinner is an informal chance to get to know other people in the course

Download the brochure to find out more about the expected learning outcomes, the learning model and the Faculty of the course.

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Why Join Us?

Cosa trovi nel programma

Benefits for the Participant

  • Acquire systematic methods and approaches for strategic decision-making
  • Increase your ability to lead amid uncertainty
  • Leverage the outstanding international expertise of the program’s faculty.

Benefits for Your Company

  • Use data to solve problems
  • Develop the right mental approach and critical mindset to make the most of interrogating data
  • Update to the cutting edge of data-driven decision making to boost performance.


Digital Badges

The digital badges are an innovative and immediate way to share your achievements. They are verifiable and associated with an individual user. They allow you to update your network of contacts by highlighting the different steps reached in your SDA Bocconi journey.

Certification of partecipation

The certificate – presented in both print and digital forms – is a useful way to enhance your CV and portfolio of educational experiences. It is granted to participants who have attended at least 80% of the lessons.


Program Agenda

The program lasts 3 days (24-hour time equivalent), from 18 to 21 November 2024.

On Campus

18 Nov 2024


19-20 Nov 2024


21 Nov 2024


  • ONCAMPUS Module


Program Location

On-campus training will take place at:
Bocconi School of Management: Via Sarfatti 10, 20136 Milan (Italy)


€ 3.500 (+ VAT) fee includes educational materials and working lunches, but not VAT. A maximum number of participants is pre-determined. You can reserve and register online on the program’s web page.

Special Payment Terms

A 10% reduction on the program fees offered to applications sent in by the 19st of September 2024. The final deadline for enrollment is 29th October 2024.

For further information and details on discounts, please refer to:

Apply ASAP

You can apply for the Program until the day before it is due to start. For organizational reasons, we encourage you to complete your registration process 10 days before the Program begins.

Data will never entirely replace the intuition of managers, but rigorous frameworks for making managerial decisions support and complement good insights. This course improves the ability of managers to make informed decisions using data.

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Alfonso Gambardella
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