Feb 2022 14:00 - 15:00 | CET

The EMMS experience: insight into the field project from our Alumni - Online

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

Your opportunity to learn more about the SDA Bocconi Executive Master in Marketing & Sales (EMMS) and interact with the Director, the Recruiting & Admissions Team and other members of the EMMS Community.

You will be able to ask questions, get live answers via a chat platform and discover if the EMMS fits your profile and interests. Moreover, the testimonials from our alumni will give you more insight into the field project, one of the fundamental parts of the EMMS journey, and you will have the possibility to hear more success stories from the Director, prof. Marco Aurelio Sisti. 

To uncover all details on how to study Marketing & Sales in Milano, Madrid and Barcelona and live a 13-month unique International experience at two of the most prestigious Business Schools in Europe.

9 February, 14:00 - 15:00 (CET)

Keynote Speakers
Marco Aurelio Sisti, EMMS Director
Pablo Rueda (EMMS14): Business Manager Iberia, Spine & Biologics. Medtronic PLC
Lucas Bellotti (EMMS14): Sales Manager Italy, KROHNE Italia S.r.l.
Martina Adler-Rantzen (EMMS14), Head of Marketing & Communications in Europe at Norsk Hydro - Extrusion Europe

Valentina Mardegan, Recruiting and Admissions Service

We look forward to having you join this online session and introducing you to the SDA Bocconi EMMS world.

We are pleased to inform you that you may also attend the event On Campus.

Lucas Bellotti
EMMS14 - Sales Manager Italy, KROHNE Italia S.r.l.
Martina Adler-Rantzen
EMMS14 - Head of Marketing & Communications in Europe at Norsk Hydro - Extrusion Europe

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