Matteo Nori

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

Elgamal S., NORI M., Macciò A. V., Baldi M., Waterval S. No Catch-22 for fuzzy dark matter: testing substructure counts and core sizes via high-resolution cosmological simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2024, vol.532, no. 4, pp.4050-4059
NORI M., Macciò A. V., Baldi M. Fuzzy Aquarius: evolution of a Milky-way like system in the Fuzzy Dark Matter scenario Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, vol.522, no. 1, pp.1451-1463
Waterval S., Elgamal S., NORI M., Pasquato M., Macciò A. V., Blank M., Dixon K. L., Kang X., Ibrayev T. NIHAO – XXVIII. Collateral effects of AGN on dark matter concentration and stellar kinematics Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, vol.514, no. 4, pp.5307-5319
Pasquato M., Abbas M., Trani A. A., NORI M., Kwiecinski J. A., Trevisan P., Braga V. F., Bono G., Macciò A. V. Sparse Identification of Variable Star Dynamics The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 2022, vol.930, no. 2, pp.161
Garaldi E., NORI M., Baldi M. Dynamic zoom simulations: A fast, adaptive algorithm for simulating light-cones Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, vol.499, no. 2, pp.2685-2700
NORI M., Baldi M. Scaling relations of fuzzy dark matter haloes – I. Individual systems in their cosmological environment Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, vol.501, no. 1, pp.1539-1556