Marlene Jugl

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

JUGL M. Collective cognition in context: Explaining variation in the management of Europe's 2015 migration crisis Governance, 2025, vol.38, no. 2, pp.e12887
Popescu B. G., JUGL M. Civic associations, populism, and (un-)civic behavior: evidence from Germany Political Science Research and Methods, 2025, vol.13, no. 1, pp.150-166
JUGL M., Veenendaal W., Corbett J., Ng Shiu R. How does population size influence administrative performance? Evidence from Malta, Samoa, and Suriname Public Policy and Administration, 2024
MANFREDI S., JUGL M. Tackling Unintended Consequences of EU Sanctions: NGOs' Advocacy for Humanitarian Exceptions JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies, 2024, vol.62, no. 6, pp.1519-1537
JUGL M., Pagel W. A. M., Garcia Jimenez M. C., Salendres J. P., Lowe W., Malikova H., Bryson J. J. Spamming the regulator: exploring a new lobbying strategy in EU competition procedures Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 2024, vol.12, no. 1, pp.7-28
JUGL M. Administrative characteristics and timing of governments' crisis responses: A global study of early reactions to ‐19 Public Administration, 2023, vol.101, no. 4, pp.1408-1426

Grants & Premi

Christopher Pollitt Prize for Best Conference Paper - IRSPM International Research Society in Public Management , 2023
Innovation in Teaching Award - Graduate School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2022