Pubblicazioni recenti

RUDI A., Marteau-Ferey U., Bach F. Finding global minima via kernel approximations Mathematical Programming, 2025, vol.209, pp.703-784
Vacher A., Muzellec B., Bach F., Vialard F., RUDI A. Optimal Estimation of Smooth Transport Maps with Kernel SoS SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2024, vol.6, no. 2, pp.311-342
Aubin-Frankowski P., RUDI A. Approximation of optimization problems with constraints through kernel Sum-of-Squares Optimization, 2024, pp.1-26
Marteau-Ferey U., Bach F., RUDI A. Second Order Conditions to Decompose Smooth Functions as Sums of Squares Siam Journal on Optimization, 2024, vol.34, no. 1, pp.616-641
Bach F., RUDI A. Exponential Convergence of Sum-of-Squares Hierarchies for Trigonometric Polynomials Siam Journal on Optimization, 2023, vol.33, no. 3, pp.2137-2159
BROGAT-MOTTE L., RUDI A., BROUARD C., ROUSU J., D'ALCHÉ-BUC F. Vector-Valued Least-Squares Regression under Output Regularity Assumptions Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022, vol.23, no. 344, pp.1-50