Assel Yeskendirova, public servant from Astana, joined MPA in 2016 with a goal to gain international experience and managerial skills and knowledge with international standards. With the MPA, Assel not only successfully achieved her goals but also gained a professional network and made life-long friendships by the time she graduated. After only a year of graduation, Assel is back in Italy with a new mission to contribute to the development of bilateral relations between the Republics of Kazakhstan and Italy to serve at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Rome. Her experience studying in Italy gives her credibility and better understanding of the culture, socio-economic developments and aspirations of the Italian people and helps to develop the bilateral relations between the two countries further by bringing it to new heights over the next few years. We would like to wish our Alumna, Assel, all the best with her prestigious assignment and diplomatic career endeavors! 

Assel Yeskendirova - Kazakhstan
MPA 2017
Third Secretary at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Italy

Both as a professional with experience in the design, evaluation and implementation of public policy and a founding partner of a consulting firm, I reached out to SDA Bocconi’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) for an updated and innovative perspective on the state of public management and policy analysis. SDA Bocconi’s reputation as a leading institution of management studies combined with its privileged access to world-class faculty and thought leaders offered an excellent opportunity to hone down the necessary skills and establish crucial connections to enhance my career. Also, SDA Bocconi’s international appeal makes it possible to undertake this formative experience amidst a multicultural group of peers that ensure that the learning process does not stop after class ends. I expect to obtain from the SDA Bocconi MPA the rigorous training, access to resources and inspiration to promote my development into a global leader in the field of public policy.

Eduardo Toscani - Chile
MPA 2017

After a first experience at the European Commission and internships in French Consulates, I wanted to strengthen my practical knowledge of public institutions. I chose the SDA Bocconi MPA for its dynamic approach to public management, which balances practical experience, theory and technical tools. I was particularly attracted to the concentrations in Management of International Organizations and Business-Government Relations, as they will give me real-life skills and knowledge directly relevant to my career objectives. The small size and diversity of the class are, in my view, two major assets of the MPA: they allow significant space for student interaction, creating a friendly atmosphere that makes it easier to get involved in class. We gain a lot in terms of soft skills, especially working with colleagues of different ages and nationalities, speaking in public and interacting with professionals. Through this MPA, I seek to achieve higher positions in public affairs. I aim to widen my panel of career options through the SDA Bocconi network and boost my own network beyond the European level.

Philippine d’Alverny - France
MPA 2017

I would describe my experience as being a U.S Fulbright Grantee at SDA Bocconi as one of diversity: a diversity of opinions, a diversity of nationalities and a diversity of beliefs. As an Afro-Latino from New York City I grew up in a melting pot, sadly I had never been in an academic setting that was as diverse as the great city that I lived in. I wanted to attend the MPA program at SDA Bocconi because having a diverse class is a key component of understanding both domestic and international subjects.

After my courses, I was thrilled to use all the knowledge that had been taught to me. I started out as a Public Affairs intern with Vox Global studying the complexities of policy making in Washington D.C. My Public Affairs firm loved my ability to advise multiple stakeholders, my public speaking strengths and the fact that I looked at topics with an international lens.

The challenges of the MPA program at SDA Bocconi have prepared me for the local, National, and international issues that I will be researching in Washington D.C. as a Transportation and Equity Research Fellow at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. As a Transportation Fellow, I will be responsible for the production of policy analysis and research as it relates to transportation, sustainability, and equity in the USA. This opportunity wouldn’t have been possible or open to me without the knowledge that I acquired at SDA Bocconi.

Jay Arzu - American
MPA 2017
Transportation and Equity Research Fellow at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

I started my internship with the International Training Center of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) based in Turin, Italy as part of my MPA program. An exciting project, focusing on “Training, Partnership, Marketing & Communication” with the Social Protection, Governance and Tripartism program. I work for one of the leading public policy schools in Asia, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS in Singapore and this project is in line with both my career development goals and the requirement of the MPA program. The goal of having a practical experience in the MPA is for students to apply the earned skills and knowledge in the first half of the program, in order to resolve a managerial challenge an organization in global public sector might be facing. This is to assure learning experience is applicable to real world challenges and to gain managerial skills through hands on projects. Through this opportunity with ITC-ILO, I will be exposed to the ILO’s work, tripartism and the design implementation of international training activities.

Jansulu Abdikyerim - Mongolia
MPA 2017

In my experience, SDA Bocconi was the best platform to develop and improve my skills, giving me the right exposure to accomplished and international profiles - referring not only to professors but also to my colleagues. The international environment, along with the dynamism of the program's structure, not only motivates students to be competitive but also provided us with unique experiences that can only be learned in a full time, intense, and challenging program such as this. It gave me the skill set necessary to succeed while working in international teams, and a strong network of contacts that I call on daily to help continue growing the company I started with one of my MPA colleagues.

Ana Lucia Canales Herrerias - Mexican
MPA 2017
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer (CAPOLAVORO SRL) - Milan, Italy

SDA Bocconi leverages on Milan's ideal location in the heart of Europe, offering academic rigor as well as proximity to experts in finance, innovation, and management. This allows students to evaluate what they gain from the classroom against live examples, giving them the tools to succeed and the platform to kickstart a career in the public, private or nonprofit sectors.

Alina Urbanic - American
MPA 2017
Portfolio Analyst at the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) - Geneva, Switzerland

Attending the MPA at SDA Bocconi was an incredible experience. Not only owing to its reputation, quality of professors and the stimulating academic environment, but also to the interaction with other master programs, working on joint projects and events together, clubs and in-house university events and activities. Besides this, Milano is a thriving city that never sleeps and it is constantly displaying a wonderful cultural scene and the beauty of the Italian lifestyle. The expositions, galleries, aperitivos and international events, all of these qualities made living in Milano a unique experience and a wonderful complement to what the master offered.

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Javier Alonso Gutierrez Orozco - Colombian/Belgian
MPA 2018

Fulbright Scholarship Recipient
I am thrilled to be awarded the Fulbright scholarship to attend the Masters of Public Administration at SDA Bocconi this year. As a daughter of educators, I am a firm believer that education empowers us to develop personally and become more politically active. Throughout my studies, I have always been active on a community level and found ways to make contributions of change. I am eager to take advantage of the excellent opportunities that Bocconi provides and continue to grow upon my skills and ultimately find the right career path.
I am motivated to pursue this degree in Public Administration through the SDA Bocconi School of Management to assist and enhance the development and evolution of international cities facing adaptation issues. In the past year, there has been a record for human migration with masses of people arriving in Europe to escape political upheaval. There is no doubt that cities will continue to grow with the constant migration of populations to urban communities. Yet, creating positive change through legible and understandable policy can guarantee that cities benefit current residents and future generations as well. Having lived in several international cities myself, I am extremely interested in learning the skills necessary to make cities more livable for all.
SDA Bocconi School of Management allows for an interesting opportunity not only to concentrate in city management, but to engage in a hands-on experience through a summer internship program. I plan to use this opportunity to specifically assist in real management issues affecting cities either in Italy or around Europe. I could not be more thrilled for this opportunity that the Fulbright Commission has provided for me. Not only am I motivated by the curriculum and institution, however, this diverse group of individuals with whom I will be working give me the chance to learn from different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise.

Amaya Amigo - American
MPA 2018

My MPA at SDA has been a unique experience so far, characterized both by what I have learned from teachers and colleagues and by personal relationships. This experience will definitely help me out to succeed in my next career steps. What I appreciate most about the MPA learning model is the hands-on learning experience that allows student to go into real and practical cases, and the possibility to combine what taken away from classes with a bit of creativity. I would recommend the MPA at SDA Bocconi to anyone who wants to build their career in the public sector for many reasons: its learning method, the fast paced assignments that make you ready for challenging jobs and the professional network you will be consolidating

Alberto Ferrari - Italian
MPA 2018

We are Li Jiachen and Gao Renshang from China. We both had experience working in the private and public sectors prior to the MPA. While working for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), we learned about the importance of gaining professional skills in public management and wanted to understand the differences between Chinese and European public administration. Since Italy is the cradle of European culture and SDA Bocconi is a top management school in Italy, we specifically chose the MPA program. For us, Milan is an attractive location as it is the economic and financial heart of Italy, and the center of fashion, design, finance and media. It is also a leader in modern and innovative public administration. Principles of social justice and the open-minded culture provide tremendous opportunities for young people like us from different countries. A great scientist from China, Mr. Chen Yinke, said that the most important thing in life is the independent spirit and the freedom of thought. We both believe that SDA Bocconi is the place that offers us up to date knowledge, innovative managerial skills and a creative way of thinking.

我们是来自中国的李佳宸和高仁尚,都曾在私人部门和公共部门有相关从业经验。在世界自然基金会的工作期间,我们意识到在公共管理领域中专业技能的重要性,发现了中国与欧洲在公共管理方面的差异。意大利是欧洲文化的发源地,SDA Bocconi更是世界顶级的商学院,所以我们选择了这个MPA项目。米兰非常吸引我们,它不仅是意大利的经济和金融中心,在时尚、设计、金融和媒体等领域建树颇丰,也是公共管理领域的领导者。公平正义的社会原则和开放的胸怀都为公共事业的发展提供土壤。中国有一位伟大的科学家叫陈寅恪,他认为最重要的是要有独立之精神,自由之思想。我认为SDA Bocconi就是这样一个既能教授知识和技能又能提供思维方式的地方。

Jiachen Li and Renshang Gao - Chinese
MPA 2018

Both as a professional with experience in the design, evaluation and implementation of public policy and a founding partner of a consulting firm, I reached out to SDA Bocconi’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) for an updated and innovative perspective on the state of public management and policy analysis. SDA Bocconi’s reputation as a leading institution of management studies combined with its privileged access to world-class faculty and thought leaders offered an excellent opportunity to hone down the necessary skills and establish crucial connections to enhance my career. Also, SDA Bocconi’s international appeal makes it possible to undertake this formative experience amidst a multicultural group of peers that ensure that the learning process does not stop after class ends. I expect to obtain from the SDA Bocconi MPA the rigorous training, access to resources and inspiration to promote my development into a global leader in the field of public policy.

Eduardo Toscani - Chile
MPA 2017

I have chosen the MPA program at SDA Bocconi School of Management because I am half Italian and I have always known the reputation of SDA Bocconi. While considering the Master programs, I knew the MPA would be an international experience and I am pleased that the MPA class is very international and the quality is guaranteed as the university is highly ranked internationally. I am confident with my choice. 
My expectation from the MPA is to be able to transition my career from private to the public sector. I have always worked in the private sector and now my end goal is to join the public sector as a professional manager. I expect the courses to be very engaging and participative. I am happy to share my experiences with classmates and as a result I will be a highly skilled professional ready to join the public sector. My first impression could not be any better after seeing the organization of the courses as we started last week with the Orientation. Even though it was intense, it was very fruitful, because of the quality of the Faculty. All the Professors engaged are really great academics.

Flavia Bozzolla - Brazil
MPA 2017

After a first experience at the European Commission and internships in French Consulates, I wanted to strengthen my practical knowledge of public institutions. I chose the SDA Bocconi MPA for its dynamic approach to public management, which balances practical experience, theory and technical tools. I was particularly attracted to the concentrations in Management of International Organizations and Business-Government Relations, as they will give me real-life skills and knowledge directly relevant to my career objectives. The small size and diversity of the class are, in my view, two major assets of the MPA: they allow significant space for student interaction, creating a friendly atmosphere that makes it easier to get involved in class. We gain a lot in terms of soft skills, especially working with colleagues of different ages and nationalities, speaking in public and interacting with professionals. Through this MPA, I seek to achieve higher positions in public affairs. I aim to widen my panel of career options through the SDA Bocconi network and boost my own network beyond the European level.

Philippine d’Alverny - France
MPA 2017

My name is Jay and I am a US Fulbright Grantee. From the perspective of a US student coming to SDA Bocconi as an MPA student, I am ecstatic. In the US, a lot of schools state they are diverse, that they have different perspectives but I have never seen such diversity like here. I am in a class where we have international presence of most continents in the world covered. I have pride in knowing that my perspectives and ideals are going to be challenged, which is one of the reasons I came to Europe. I could have done an MPA program in the US but I wanted to gain international exposure.

In globalized world, one of the most important factors is to have a global perspective and be able to sympathize and empathize with fellow classmates from China, Taiwan, Kazakhstan . . . some of the countries represented in my class. I love engaging with classmates and being part of the discussions, and even outside the class, I have the pleasure discussing with them, hearing wonderful stories of their home countries, their plans and they inspire me.
I have just set up a business few days ago and received plenty of advice from my classmates. They are taking a keen interest in my development and vice versa. This is the type of networking I was looking for and SDA Bocconi offers it naturally and the international presence is impactful. I will not only receive an MPA degree but I will have the international perspective that many of MPA students in the US do not.  


Jay Arzu - USA
MPA 2017

My name is Daeeun Kwon and I am a local public sector officer at the Busan Metropolitan Government in South Korea. I am participating in the MPA program as a dual degree student of SDA Bocconi School of Management and KDI School. The reason I chose to join the MPA at SDA Bocconi as a government scholar is that the Korean Government can obtain diverse knowledge from Europe in public management as European experiences are different than the Korean. Also, the Korean Government can learn new approaches to resolve public sector challenges and I believe the cooperation between Korea and European countries will strengthen thanks to this MPA program.

Daeeun Kwon - South Korea
MPA 2017
Dual Degree Candidate from KDI School of Public Policy and Management (KDI School)

Buongiorno and Namasde!
Coming from India as a person who has been running my own business and an NGO at the same time, the experiences showed me that we need effective systems to deliver policies and public services with excellence. For this, the public administration aspect needs to be improved and hence I decided to gain the necessary skills in public administration through the MPA. The reason I chose SDA Bocconi is due to its international reputation, diversity in class and recognition of its MBA program that implies that any school with a good management reputation would provide me the needed managerial skills applicable to the public sector. My expectations from the MPA are to gain technical tools and skills to be an effective public sector manager and get new knowledge to implement new systems or improve existing systems internationally. Especially today to resolve local problems, you need a global solution. I also look forward to learning from my classmates and from the renowned faculty of SDA Bocconi.
My first impression is that I am loving being in Milan. This is my first time in the city and my classmates, university staff and faculty are very warm. The core courses and specializations are tailored to our needs and exciting and interesting. From the Faculty’s point of view, they showed us during the orientation week that they are committed to train us as future leaders, keen to drive us towards our goals given the short time we are here, and I am happy with my decision to join the MPA at SDA Bocconi.

Sanjeev Sekhar - India
MPA 2017