Alina Urbanic - American

SDA Bocconi leverages on Milan's ideal location in the heart of Europe, offering academic rigor as well as proximity to experts in finance, innovation, and management. This allows students to evaluate what they gain from the classroom against live examples, giving them the tools to succeed and the platform to kickstart a career in the public, private or nonprofit sectors.


Portfolio Analyst at the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) - Geneva, Switzerland

MPA 2017
Philippine d’Alverny - French

"The strength of the MPA lies in that it gives you a well-rounded overview of Public Affairs that is essential for a career in the United Nations. Knowing key management concepts together with having specialized knowledge about international organizations has made a real difference for those coming from a purely managerial or International Affairs background. As I develop in my job at the World Food Programme, I keep encountering and working on the different concepts that I studied throughout the MPA."


Junior Consultant, WFP - World Food Programme - Geneva, Switzerland

MPA 2017
Eduardo Toscani - Chilean

"SDA Bocconi's MPA offered me a platform to pivot my professional development towards the international arena. Through the continued support from distinguished faculty and numerous opportunities to network and establish lifelong relationships with peers and friends, I was able to achieve my professional goal of working in international development."


Associate Evaluation Officer - IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

MPA 2017
Jay Arzu - American

"I would describe my experience as being a U.S Fulbright Grantee at SDA Bocconi as one of diversity: a diversity of opinions, a diversity of nationalities and a diversity of beliefs. As an Afro-Latino from New York City I grew up in a melting pot, sadly I had never been in an academic setting that was as diverse as the great city that I lived in. I wanted to attend the MPA program at SDA Bocconi because having a diverse class is a key component of understanding both domestic and international subjects.

After my courses, I was thrilled to use all the knowledge that had been taught to me. I started out as a Public Affairs intern with Vox Global studying the complexities of policy making in Washington D.C. My Public Affairs firm loved my ability to advise multiple stakeholders, my public speaking strengths and the fact that I looked at topics with an international lens.

The challenges of the MPA program at SDA Bocconi have prepared me for the local, National, and international issues that I will be researching in Washington D.C. as a Transportation and Equity Research Fellow at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. As a Transportation Fellow, I will be responsible for the production of policy analysis and research as it relates to transportation, sustainability, and equity in the USA. This opportunity wouldn’t have been possible or open to me without the knowledge that I acquired at SDA Bocconi."


Transportation and Equity Research Fellow at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

MPA 2017