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Next Start 21 May 2025
Duration 13 Months
Language Italian
Format Executive
Avg. working
16 years
Where Milano

The Executive Master in Management of Public Administration (EMMAP) is a unique program designed for public sector professionals who wish to enhance their skills while working full-time. This program has been developed in response to the public sector need for managers with specific training and competencies.

EMMAP is an advanced course in management of public administration and provides basic training in management for those who wish to strengthen their skills in this area.

The program aims to train managers who are capable of bringing innovation into their workplace and effectively manage the complexities and opportunities that exist in this field.

Ideal candidate profile

  • University Degree (in any subject)
  • Substantial experience in Public Administration
  • Computer literacy
  • Fluency in Italian

Why choose EMMAP?

As a public sector professional, you will find this highly specialized program relevant to your work environment. The areas covered will allow you to thoroughly understand the dynamics and requirements of the public sector. The program may also be an opportunity to re-interpret your role, as you become more aware of the workings of your organization and identify the potential within your role.
Also, for a more international outlook on public administration, EMMAP students can take part in the International Summer School, which is organized by the main European universities offering courses in public management. During a week of lectures and workshops, a current topic related to public sector management in Europe will be discussed. It is a great opportunity to gain invaluable insight into this sector and network with other professionals from all over Europe.

Key Facts


innovation projects


Action Learning Projects


of experience in PA Sector


II Level Master Program

“The objective of this Master is to offer graduates the opportunity to consolidate their own role as an innovator and professional within the public sector.”


Go to cv

Silvia Rota
Eleonora Perobelli

What they say about EMMAP

In un contesto in continua evoluzione, dove le sfide si rinnovano e le competenze di ieri possono non essere più sufficienti domani, EMMAP ti fornisce le lenti per guardare alla realtà con una diversa prospettiva e  ti offre tutti gli strumenti per agire il cambiamento.



Linkedin profile 

Nadia Bozzetto
EMMAP 2024

Che tu sia un dipendente pubblico, o uno ibrido a servizio della pubblica amministrazione, EMMAP è il percorso formativo che consiglio a tutti i manager che vogliono contribuire a creare valore pubblico.
Questo percorso impegnativo ma molto stimolante ti permette di acquisire competenze trasversali, lavorare/imparare/crescere in gruppo con compagni provenienti da diverse regioni italiane ti insegna ad utilizzare lenti nuove e ti prepara ad affrontare con serenità la crescente complessità del mondo del lavoro per essere parte attiva e propulsiva del cambiamento.



Linkedin profile 

Paride Cominini
EMMAP 2024


Upcoming face-to-face meetings
Jan 2025 13:30 - 19:30 | LOCAL TIME
Un giorno da EMMAP
Language ITALIAN
Learn More
Jan 2025 17:00 - 21:00 | LOCAL TIME
Orientation Meetings - Riyadh
Language ENGLISH
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News & Social

25 March 2024
Action Learning Projects: EMMAP's advocates change in public services
EMMAP - Executive Master in Management delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche
Learn More
17 October 2023
Efficient revenue cycle management in local governments: a driver for public value creation
EMMAP - Executive Master in Management of Public Administration
Learn More

Learn more about EMMAP

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EMMAP in italian