
From agriculture to agribusiness

This manual provides useful tools, practices and knowledge for agribusinesses to grow their profitability, to manage the continuous innovation process and to stay ahead of the competition in an increasingly evolved and complex market.

Agribusiness is the ultimate guide to growing an agribusiness in the third millennium. Defining a business strategy and analyzing business performance, managing production and people, developing an effective marketing plan, collaborating with other companies, and even the latest internationalization strategies: the manual provides useful tools, practices, and knowledge for boosting profitability, controlling the process of continuous innovation, and staying ahead of the competition in an increasingly evolved, complex market. The chapters in this volume are written by instructors who have collaborated with AGRI Lab at SDA Bocconi School of Management for years. They take the reader on a path to discover the challenges and the potential of agribusiness, offering managerial tools and success stories about companies that have leveraged their unique characteristics and available resources to grow and stay competitive. Additional content includes in-depth analysis, case studies, testimonials in the paper version of the book, and videos, application exercises and self-assessments in the digital version.



  • Publisher: Egea
  • Series Reference
  • Date of publication:April 2022
  • EAN: 9788823838406
  • ISBN: 9788823838406
  • Pagine: 448
  • Formato: paper, digitabook



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