Jun 2023 10:00 - 13:00 | CEST

SEE Lab | Innovation made in space: The case of private space stations

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Milano

Milan Via Sarfatti, 10

The forthcoming decommissioning of the International Space Station (ISS) and the evidence of a raising market for the development of innovative products and services made in space has opened up opportunities for the realization of commercial space stations in low Earth orbit (LEO) aimed to prepare the ground for the progressive transition to private service suppliers in space. Building on the experiences derived from the ISS, commercial space stations companies aim to offer multiple services for research and development activities of a variety of businesses such as life and physical science, leveraging on microgravity conditions of LEO.
Italy has an outstanding expertise and competence in the field, and aims to establish itself as a primary partner globally for the development and operations of commercial space stations.


The event organized by the Space Economy Evolution (SEE) Lab of SDA Bocconi aims at discussing:

  • The lessons learnt from the utilization of the ISS: What are the innovations accomplished by the business users of the ISS?
  • The transition to the commercial space stations: What is the new value proposition for business users?
  • The Italian leadership: What is doing Italy and what are the actions towards its strategic leadership?
  • The business perspective: What is the value perception about doing innovation in space?



The event will be in English and participation will be in-presence only upon online registration.

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