May 2023 09:00 - 10:00 | CEST

The Insider's View: meet MCF Director and Alumni

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

The event will be on SDA Bocconi platform

Interactive session

Book here to have an interactive session with the MCF Director from 14.30 to 16.00 (CEST).

Your opportunity to benefit from an interactive session where you will have the possibility to feel part of the MCF Community of SDA Bocconi, interact with the MCF director and his team.


You will have the chance to ask questions and get live answers, thus benefitting from an informative discussion to help you finalize your decision.


We are pleased to inform you that you may also attend the event On Campus.


Keynote Speakers

Federico Pippo
MCF Director
Lorenzo Longo
Director - Financial Sponsor Solutions (Leveraged Finance) at UniCredit
Olga Kuznetsova
Senior Client Advisor UBS
Sara Galliazzo
Vice President - Strategic Finance at AlixPartners
Paula Rotaru
Recruiting & Admissions

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