Dec 2023 13:30 - 14:30 | CET

MBA Focus on: Who will you become

Discover our Community Alumni

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

SDA Bocconi platform

SDA Bocconi Full-Time MBA Presents: "Who Will You Become - Dive into the Bocconi Community"

Join us on 13 December 2023, from 13:30 to 14:30 (CET), as we delve into the heart of the Bocconi Community.
This is your unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of the SDA Bocconi Full-Time MBA and discover how it can elevate your personal value, broaden your professional horizons, and expand your networks.


Being a part of the Bocconi Community means immersing yourself in a dynamic network of individuals hailing from diverse backgrounds and various corners of the globe. Your journey as a student might be temporary, but your bond as an alumnus is eternal. The Alumni network, a cornerstone of the Bocconi experience, offers a reservoir of knowledge and experiences, paving the way for you to forge strong, enduring relationships.

Throughout your MBA journey, beyond the structured curriculum, you'll be presented with myriad opportunities to engage in club activities and extra-curricular initiatives. These platforms are meticulously crafted to stimulate innovative thought, encourage interaction within the Bocconi community, and foster meaningful connections with the wider business ecosystem.

During this session, we'll explore these aspects and dive into the heart of the SDA Bocconi experience. Our keynote speakers, with their rich insights and stories, will give you a glimpse of life within the Bocconi Community.


We're excited to welcome you and show you what SDA Bocconi offers within the vibrant Bocconi Community. 
We are pleased to inform you that you may also attend the event On Campus.

Keynote Speakers

Stefano Pogutz
go to cv
Francesco Ausania
Participants & Alumni Engagement Manager
Sanchita Pasi
Alumna MBA 2022
Lorenzo Mannari
Alumnus MBA 2022
Paula Rotaru
Recruiting & Admissions

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