Feb 2024 18:30 - 19:30 | CET

MBA: Discover our LBM Experience

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

SDA Bocconi platform

Dive into the SDA Bocconi Full-Time MBA and explore our unique concentration in Luxury Business Management (LBM). Understand the pivotal role of being at the heart of luxury firms, and gain insights into the multifaceted job roles and career paths in this intricate sector.


Why Attend?

  • Deepen your understanding of the SDA Bocconi Full-Time MBA and its specialized LBM concentration.
  • Learn how immersing in Luxury Business Management can significantly enhance your personal and professional value.
  • Broaden your professional horizons and networks within the luxury industry.



28 February, 18:30 - 19:30 (CET)


We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to the SDA Bocconi world.
We are pleased to inform you that you may also attend the even On Campus.

Keynote Speakers

Stefano Pogutz
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Cinzia Palenzona
Career Counseling & Employer Relations - Luxury, Retail & Cosmetics
Paola Cillo
Associate Dean for Resarch - Claudio Demattè Research Division
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Vittoria Veronesi
Coordinator of the MBA Luxury Business Management Concentration
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Valentina Mardegan
Recruiting & Admissions

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