SDA Bocconi Platform
Are you ready to reflect on your professional experience and transform it into impactful knowledge - both relevant to managerial practice and rigorous by academic standards?
Join DBA Director Giada Di Stefano, Admissions Officer Lorenzo Starita, and current DBA candidates, Sanja Maric and Heather Wade, for an exclusive online session. This is your opportunity to discover the structure, content, and distinctive approach of the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program. You’ll also have the chance to interact with the DBA Team and participants, who will share their firsthand experiences navigating the program.
Whether you’re considering applying to the DBA program or simply exploring its offerings, this session is the ideal platform to gain all the insights you need.
For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to Lorenzo Starita at admissions.dba@sdabocconi.it.
We look forward to welcoming you into the vibrant and dynamic world of the SDA Bocconi DBA.