May 2023 08:30 - 10:30 | CEST

Get a taste of our Full-time MBA

The Path to Entrepreneurship with Prof. Mikkel Draebye \"Opportunity Identification and Idea Evaluation\"

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

The event will be on Microsoft Teams

Session on Opportunity Identification and Idea Evaluation


For those on campus:
Networking Session with our Recruiting and Admissions Team and Campus Tour


Are you considering joining the Full-time MBA at SDA Bocconi and would like to explore the didactic models and learning processes, as well as experience the classroom atmosphere in advance? Then mark May 5th on your calendar and join the MBA Community for a session during the current edition of the program. The lesson will be focussed on Entrepreneurship, given by Mikkel Draebye - Professor of Practice of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at SDA Bocconi School of Management.


Please note:  places online are limited, and only 5 places are available in class on campus! Only applicants who have completed and submitted their application form for the next edition of our MBA starting September 2023 will be eligible to attend.



Your next steps:

  • Subscribe to this event through the button "Register" on this page – you will then be contacted by our Recruiting Team to schedule an orientation call.
  • Fill in the application form of the Master on our website before midnight April 20th (CEST time) 
  • You will get a final confirmation from us if you have been selected.

Good luck!


We are pleased to inform you that you may also attend the event On Campus.



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