Transforming careers and impacting global change: an interview with Andrea De Tommaso, 2022 EMMIO alumnus

Andrea De Tommaso, Senior Consultant at OSACO Group, shares how the Executive Master in Management of International Organizations (EMMIO) has enhanced his professional and personal growth.


In an era where international relations and global challenges are constantly evolving, the demand for skilled leaders in management is at an all-time high. The EMMIO program targets professionals serving in diverse scenarios, ranging from humanitarian efforts to peace and development projects. The program caters to individuals working within a variety of organizations, including the United Nations, International NGOs, International Financial Institutions, and consulting firms operating in the International Development context. But what does it take to transition from a domestic managerial role to making a meaningful contribution on the international stage? To find out, we spoke with Andrea De Tommaso, Senior Consultant at OSACO Group – a global network of experts in investigations, safeguarding, compliance, governance, security, and anti-corruption – about his transformative experience in the 2022 EMMIO program.

Professionals often reach a point in their careers where they seek new challenges and opportunities to leverage their knowledge for broader impact. For Andrea, a seasoned expert in humanitarian and corporate oversight, investigations, compliance, anti-corruption, capacity development and risk management, the Executive Master in Management of International Organizations (EMMIO) at SDA Bocconi was the perfect platform to elevate his career, equipping him with the skills and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of international organizations.

Andrea embarked on the EMMIO program with a clear goal: to enhance his influence on an international scale, and his journey to the global arena is a testament to the transformative power of this experience. Andrea recognized the necessity of gaining insights into the language, challenges and new scenarios faced by international organizations: “The program introduced me to a previously unknown world, providing meaningful connections, synergies and new ways to interpret existing knowledge”, he explained.

One of the most significant aspects of the EMMIO program is the extensive networking opportunities it offers. The program attracts a diverse cohort of highly skilled professionals from around the world, creating a dynamic environment for exchange and collaboration. “Whenever I am abroad on a mission, I meet EMMIO members”, Andrea stated. “Not only do you have a community, you have a friend with you who understands your challenges.” Whether in Milan, Kazakhstan or Congo, the EMMIO community provides a supportive and resourceful network, facilitating both professional and personal growth.

The program's emphasis on personal development is crucial for participants. For Andrea, EMMIO was not just an educational challenge but a transformative journey. “It gave me the confidence and tools I need to validate my presence in a new industry and make a lasting impact,” he shared, adding that it “prepared the way to navigate through professional transitions, build meaningful relationships and cultivate absolute trust in my capabilities.”

For professionals like Andrea, who are driven by a desire to leverage their experience and expertise for greater good, the EMMIO program offers the perfect blend of academic rigor, mentorship and personal growth, preparing participants for the challenges of international organizations while also inspiring them to be catalysts for positive change in the world. In Andrea’s words:  Among the skills I take with me, recognizing opportunities when they arise is crucial, as demonstrated when I was offered the chance to work with OSACO Group, a world-class global actor safeguarding organizations from the threats and liabilities of Human Risk factors.”

The Executive Master in Management of International Organizations (EMMIO) at SDA Bocconi is a part-time blended program that successfully prepares students to tackle the biggest managerial challenges of modern international organizations, compacting a fully-fledged executive master program into a nine-month educational path, compatible with full-time employment.


SDA Bocconi School of Management