MAFED ALUMNI SERIES | The story of Silvia Mittiga


Silvia had a dream: to work in her beloved fashion and luxury industry. But as an analytical market manager for an international travel company, how could she make the leap from one to the other? As she reveals, a conversation with a friend led her to MAFED – and, eventually, to Cartier, and the career of her dreams.



Tell us your job position and company before and after MAFED. How would you describe your previous job? And what has changed now? How is your new job?

Before my MAFED experience, I was working as a market manager for an international online travel company. The job was very analytical and sales-oriented. After MAFED, I started a totally new journey at Cartier working in the Communications team. Thanks to this experience, I had the opportunity to deep dive into the PR, media and events fields and manage communication projects.

Why did you choose MAFED? Why exactly in that moment of your career? What made you decide it was the right moment?

Before MAFED, I had the chance to explore different sectors from tech to travel. However, my biggest dream had always been to work in the fashion and luxury industries. Therefore, during my last job experience, I decided that was the right time to follow my professional ambitions and develop a new career path in the industry I was passionate about. Hence, I asked for information from a friend that was attending MAFED at the time, and I immediately fell in love with the program.

How was the MAFED experience? How do you see yourself changed after the Master? What are the skills and competencies learnt?

I started my MAFED experience in 2020, a challenging year for all of us. Despite the hard times, MAFED team has managed to keep the experience as powerful as it was before the pandemic: rich of guest speakers, case studies and group projects. Thanks to this program, I had the chance to explore all the different dynamics and players involved in the fashion industry, and I enhanced my teamwork skills in a multicultural environment thanks to a hands-on approach to every project.

What advice will you give to someone who is deciding to take the MAFED? Can you describe MAFED in 3 words? If you could travel back in time, what would you say to the past you before taking MAFED?

For me MAFED is motivation, commitment and creativity. MAFED is a challenging journey that requires effort, and at the same time gifts educational and inspiring experiences and a network that will always be with you in your life.

SDA Bocconi School of Management

Silvia Mittiga is a Communications Assistant
at Cartier

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