SDA Bocconi’s Corporate Welfare Lab, a permanent hub to monitor the development of corporate welfare, is up and running

SDA Bocconi and Edenred Italia present an initiative to analyze the impact of Corporate Welfare on the country.


SDA Bocconi launched its Corporate Welfare Lab, a permanent laboratory that aims at becoming a landmark in corporate welfare and a hub for analysis and reflection, at an international and national level, for companies, public institutions and associations, by studying, analyzing and promoting the role of corporate welfare in Italy.

The Lab brings together an authoritative panel of market players, scholars and institutions to support the development and dissemination of corporate welfare culture through their skills and abilities. Corporate welfare has proved its ability to revolutionize the working world. The initiative’s main partner is Edenred Italia, which has been working with companies to manage and implement corporate welfare policies for over 40 years.

Corporate welfare is key to the development of companies, and has become a pillar of the organization in many cases. More and more often, companies take action to create and spread wellbeing, improving the quality of life of workers and their families through different types of benefits.

“Corporate Welfare policies are becoming increasingly crucial to business strategy, as they can protect and improve the wellbeing of one of the key pillars in the creation of lasting value, human capital, which is a crucial element for a company’s growth. By working with Edenred and creating a dedicated hub, we will be able to appreciate and enhance the major drivers of economic and non-economic value underlying the implementation of an integrated Corporate Welfare strategy,” said Alberto Dell’Acqua, director of SDA Bocconi’s Corporate Welfare Lab.

“We are very excited to be participating in the creation of a permanent hub dedicated to corporate welfare, which is increasingly taking up a key role in the country’s system, and must be studied and enhanced as such”, said Paola Blundo, Head of Corporate Welfare at Edenred Italia. “Today more than ever, it can meet the new needs of people, and support families and the economy. We’re not just talking about economic benefits, but also of a lever to improve corporate wellbeing and employer branding”.

The panel meeting during the launch event also featured the presence of Danone, to open the first structured discussion on Corporate Welfare. “We introduced welfare in 2011. Year after year, it has helped support the wellbeing, engagement and performance of our people. From 2019, we have also extended it to people who intern with us,” Danone Nutricia’s HR Director Italy and Greece Sonia Malaspina explained.

SDA Bocconi School of Management

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