EMiLUX ALUMNI SERIES | The story of Aliona Todorenco


Aliona had passion for luxury, experience working on the frontlines of production, and a desire to step up. That’s why she chose EMiLUX – and, after completing the Master, she found that she had the skills she needed to make a much bigger impact.

Declare your job position and company before and after EMiLUX.  
How would you describe your previous job? And what has changed now? 
How is your current new job? 

In a few words, I’ve transitioned from the field to the HQ. During my previous job at Prada I was overseeing production and quality at suppliers in South East Asia. My current role brought me closer to the product and gives me the opportunity to interface with multiple departments and learn new skills.  

Why did you choose EMiLUX?  
Why exactly in that moment of your career? What made you decide it was the right moment? 

Mainly curiosity and desire to boost my career growth. Having a technical background, I felt I was lacking the knowledge of business and corporate dynamics necessary to make a step forward in my professional growth. After assessing the program I felt that I found exactly what I was looking for.  

How was EMiLUX experience?  
How do you see yourself changed after the Master? What are the skills and competencies learnt? 

I’m definitely a more confident professional. The masters integrated harmoniously with my existent knowledge, especially the deep dive into merchandising and seasonal planning, supply chain operations, corporate finance, design thinking & management change.  

What advice will you give to someone who is deciding to take EMiLUX?  
Can you describe Emilux in 3 words? If you could travel back in time, what would you say to the past you before Emilux? 

Commitment, dedication and enthusiasm: these are the first three words coming to my mind when I think of EMiLUX. To the pre-EMiLUX me I would say “don’t be scared!” In order to attend the masters amidst the pandemic I quit my job and decided to have a new start. Change is always frightening and thrilling at the same time.

SDA Bocconi School of Management 

Aliona Todorenco is a Product engineering &
quality coordinator at Alexander McQueen

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