A breakthrough for everyone


The project by SDA Bocconi and Corriere will follow on from April 6 to 14 with a series of 7 hybrid-format masterclasses on major topics concerning transformation. From corporate governance to customer experience, from diversity to finance, from sustainability to leadership and big data, the School’s training will be available to everyone.

Corporate governance, customer experience, diversity, finance, sustainability, leadership, big data: seven masterclasses for seven topics at the heart of major transformations. That is how, after a series of 11 stories about how training has changed the lives of individuals and companies, the Svolte project by SDA Bocconi and Corriere della Sera will continue to promote personal improvement by making the School’s teachings available to everyone. The seven hybrid-format masterclasses will be held, in Italian, from April 6 to 14, 2022, all in the 6 to 7.30 PM time slot (you can sign up for each one here).

“In line with the spirit of Svolte, a project that describes actual experiences about the potential of investing in one’s own education, we want to take the opportunity to explore seven major issues at the heart of the ongoing transformation of economic life available to everyone,” SDA Bocconi dean Giuseppe Soda explained.

The first topic to be addressed, on April 6, is corporate governance: Alessandro Minichilli, professor of corporate governance, will discuss the major challenges that companies are facing, including continuity, generational turnover, growth and sustainable success.

April 7 is Emanuela Prandelli’s turn, LVMH Associate Professorship in Fashion and Luxury Management. Her masterclass on customer experience stems from the consideration that, today, purchase choices are increasingly driven by evaluations that also concern the deep values expressed by individual brands and their ability to build genuine relationships in an omnichannel context, now extended to the metaverse.

Under the title ‘Diversity - How to meet the challenge of gender equality’, the appointment with director of AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality Paola Profeta, on April 8, will discuss how, now more than ever, fostering gender equality in a complex and evolving context – with the great demographic changes underway, the evolution of technology and the challenges posed to women’s work by the pandemic – is a challenging goal and a unique opportunity for recovery.

Reliable, patient and sustainable finance is the subject of April 11’s lecture by finance professor Maurizio Dallocchio. The fulcrum of the meeting will be to dispel the myth that finance is a privilege for a few and a burden to many, that it is focused on exchanging virtual objects that are harmful to the real economy and society, and that it is dominated by software that has nothing to do with the lives of all of us.

On April 12, Stefano Pogutz, researcher and professor of sustainability, will show that the challenges of sustainability (climate, biodiversity, oceans, human rights, diversity and inclusion, equality) call for a major transformation in the way businesses operate, in order to mitigate their impact along the value chain.

On April 13, the focus of the masterclass will be on leadership. Fabrizio Castellucci, professor of organizational behavior, will discuss the proper management of social networks as a key premise to exercising leadership and increasing the coordination of activities within organizations, especially when team members come from different functional areas or different countries.

Finally, space to big data is given in April 14’s masterclass. “Competing in a data-driven economy between big data and artificial intelligence” is the title of the lecture by Gaia Rubera, Bocconi’s Amplifon Chair in Customer Science, who will explain how big data is transforming the way companies compete.

SDA Bocconi School of Management

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