MAFED ALUMNI STORIES | The story of Parker Hill


At the height of the pandemic, Parker saw an opportunity to fulfill a long standing goal and invest in himself. So he made the big decision to enter SDA Bocconi’s MAFED program, and is now reaping the benefits as a Product Manager at L’Oréal Luxe.

Why did you choose MAFED? Why exactly in that moment of your career? What made you decide it was the right moment?

In the middle of 2020, at the peak of the Covid pandemic, I wasn’t sure what my next step would be. Getting a master’s degree has always been a goal of mine, so I figured - why not apply and see what happens over the crisis? I chose the MAFED program because of SDA Bocconi’s reputation and the quality of education I knew that I would receive while also exploring my passion for the luxury fashion industry.

How was MAFED experience? How do you see yourself changed after the Master? What are the skills and competencies learnt?

The MAFED program helped train me to think strategically at a high level, but also understand the practicalities that go into the fashion and luxury industries. Putting together business plans, understanding various financial reports, and developing a marketing strategy for real luxury companies are some of the many important skills I developed.

What advice will you give to someone who is deciding to take the MAFED? Can you describe MAFED in 3 words? If you could travel back in time, what would you say to the past you before taking MAFED?

MAFED is exciting, rewarding, and challenging. I would tell my previous self to really explore and understand beforehand what opportunities you think might be interesting in the fashion industry - so that you can get the most out of every class. Additionally, I would advise any prospective MAFED candidates to not only take advantage of existing networking opportunities, but to create your own networking moments. The Bocconi network is really powerful so it would be a shame to miss out on the amazing advice from professors, students and alumni.

SDA Bocconi School of Management


Parker Hill
E-Commerce Activation Manager
L’Oréal Professional Products

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