- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 18 Mar 2025
- 1,5 days
- Blended
- Italian
Approfondire logiche e strumenti di service management utili per coloro che hanno l’ambizione di ri-progettare e ri-orientare i servizi pubblici.
Decree Law 80 of 9 June 2021, converted into Law 113 of 6 August 2021, introduces an integrated plan for the organization and activities all public administrations (PAs) in Italy with the exception of schools. (The Italian acronym for this plan is PIAO.) The basic idea is to effectively address the excessive array of planning tools currently in use and remedy the resulting fragmentation.
As of today, in fact, planning processes in Italian PAs are not effectively integrated. This according to a sample of 80 government managers and employees at various levels who were polled at a recent SDA Bocconi event. In most cases (53%), the level of planning integration in the respondents’ organization is only partial, while 18% of the time integration is very limited if not absent entirely. Only three people out of ten say that the planning in their administration is effectively (4%) or generally (26%) integrated.
Approfondire logiche e strumenti di service management utili per coloro che hanno l’ambizione di ri-progettare e ri-orientare i servizi pubblici.
Il corso offre le competenze indispensabili per gestire efficacemente la funzione aziendale preposta a partecipare ai processi decisionali tramite i quali le istituzioni definiscono le "regole del gioco".
Valutare le opportunità di finanziamento di fonte europea a sostegno dei propri progetti di investimento, ricerca e innovazione, e gestire al meglio i fondi ottenuti.