QS Global Rankings: SDA Bocconi’s MBA 1st in the world for ROI for the second year in a row

Top position for the fourth year even for “Payback Month”


A high-return investment for your professional future. More, the highest among 286 MBA programs all over the world. For the second year in a row, SDA Bocconi’s Full-Time MBA is ranked number one worldwide for Return on Investment (ROI), one of the five indexes composing the QS Global MBA Rankings. And it becomes even stronger for sub-index “Payback Month” – i.e. the number of months participants need to repay the cost of the program – where the School holds the top position for the fourth year in a row, further reducing time to break-even from 20 to 18 months.

In the overall ranking, our FT-MBA confirms its 23rd position worldwide and 10th place in Europe. Our program gains ground in all the five indexes that make up the Global Ranking.

10-Year ROI” – that is to say the value for participants after 10 years as measured by tuition fees and cost/opportunity ratio in relation to salary growth and career expectations – is the second most important indicator in terms of relative weight in the overall ranking, and becomes even more important in the changing and uncertain years of the global health emergency, when the financial aspects of educational investments become crucial both in terms of immediate costs and long-term career opportunities.

Another index rewarding SDA Bocconi’s FT-MBA is “Thought Leadership”, which includes “Academic Reputation”, “Research Impact” and “PhD Faculty” (98,5% of our faculty members are PhDs). In a word, the Faculty’s quality. Our program continues to grow when it comes to this index, scoring 89,9 out of 100 (over 2 points higher than last year) and ranking 8th in Europe (was 9th).

Finally, we got a good result even for “Employability”, the most important index in the Global Ranking, where our MBA continues to improve and scores 79,6%, almost 30 percentage points above the global average.

“Among the many indicators, one, the rate of investment on return, stands out,” says Francesco Daveri, the Director of our Full-Time MBA, Class of 2021. “Being first – for the second year in a row for 10-year ROI and for the fourth year for time to break-even – is of great value for our students and our School.”

SDA Bocconi School of Management

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