SDA Bocconi EMBA 5th in the world for Alumni satisfaction

Leaping 14 places in the Financial Times 2021 ranking


The unstoppable rise of the SDA Bocconi EMBA - Executive MBA continues in international rankings. Once again, the main booster is the satisfaction of those who have attended. This is clearly highlighted in the influential Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking for 2021, which places our program in 5th place worldwide for Overall Satisfaction, with a jump of 20 places compared to last year and a score of 9.76 out of 10.

No less substantial is the leap in the overall ranking: 33rd place globally against 47th last year (+14) and 18th in Europe against 25th in 2020. This improvement is even more significant because the number of competitors has grown: many schools, especially the big ones from the US, had withdrawn from the ranking in 2020 and are back this year.

SDA Bocconi’s Executive MBA is the only Italian program in the FT ranking,” recalls Dean Giuseppe Soda. “Although targeting the domestic market, in recent years the program has grown considerably in the global ranking, thanks to the 14 positions climbed in 2021 and 51 since 2018. But the most important acknowledgement is the 5th place worldwide for overall satisfaction. Beyond its impact on the School, once more this result underlines the world-class quality of all our Executive MBA students and therefore of an important part of the current and future ruling class in Italy.”

“Our ranking outcome making the European Top 20 fills us with pride,” Executive MBA director Renata Trinca Colonel adds. “Again this year, we share this pride with over 150 participants, who are a key component in the success of an Executive MBA program such as SDA Bocconi’s. Our current and future ruling class has believed and continues to believe in education and will support the country’s renaissance. During 18 months of exchange and hard work, we build a lasting relationship with each one of them and leverage diversity in experience and approach. At the end of the day, the real strength of the program comes from the fact that all the stakeholders in the SDA Bocconi ecosystem – faculty, staff, Alumni – are capable of investing in human relationships, in exchanging experiences and ideas, and in networking. These are the values and practices that make SDA Bocconi’s Executive MBA the 5th most esteemed in the world by its own Alumni.”

SDA Bocconi School of Management

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