Fashion goes hunting for talent at SDA Bocconi



October the 8 was a great opportunity for Bocconians interested in a future in the luxury and fashion world. Fashion and Luxury Career Day which took place at SDA Bocconi, at its first edition, was addressed to MAFED - Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management – students as well as to Full-Time MBA students, in particular to those who chose the Luxury Business Management track, realized in partnership with LVMH, and simply to those who are interested in a professional future in the fashion industry.
Thirteen companies joined the initiative: Albini, Armani Hotel, Davines, DFS (LVMH), Ferragamo, Guess, Hermès, H&M, Moncler, Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco Hotel, Tiffany, Value Lab, VF International. Each company had a desk on site to network with students and made a 35-minute presentation in order to present its full-time open positions.
Companies need people with an international profile “flexible people, ready to move between the various divisions and locations”, explains one DFS representative on site. Qualities that in fact characterize the students who participated at the event, coming from more than 30 different countries and describing themselves as mobile and able to work in culturally diverse environments. “Besides candidates with an international profile, we are looking for people with strong analytical skills and leadership attitude”, says one of H&M’s representatives.
Concerning the MBA, fashion and luxury is the major occupational sector, together with the consulting and technology ones, with 19% of class 2014 graduates who found a position in this branch. Regarding Mafed, about 70% of graduates chose a career in the fashion world, with 50% of them working in the brand area.
“Finding a group of different quality companies at the same time is a great networking opportunity”, says Dina Adlouni, who will complete Mafed by the end of this year. Students participating at the event had the possibility to be interviewed by companies. “I was struck by brands’ storytelling. They made me feel all the inspiration, creativity and innovation they’re constantly investing” explains Antonio Marchitelli, who’s almost done with his Mba and who’s considering a career in the fashion world, “here I can feel the wish to find a place in this sector, and today we all have the opportunity to make this wish come true”, he concludes.
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Source: ViaSarfatti25

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