On September 28th, MAFED, Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management was hosted at the Union League Club of New York by Bocconi Alumni Association NY and La Scuola d'Italia G. Marconi, which helped MAFED to organize the event dedicated to MAFED Alumni and prospective candidates. SDA Bocconi School of ManagementMAFED goes to NY
The event consisted of a cocktail and a panel on "The essentials for success in fashion and luxury in the 21st century" and moderated by Professor Erica Corbellini, MAFED Director. Among the special guests on panel were Mrs. Constance Klein, ounder of Scout Talent, a recruiting company specialized in fashion and luxury, Mr. Michele Pesce, VP of Strategy and Analytics Luxottica Wholesale North America, Mr. Cristiano Quieti, CEO of John Varvatos and Mr. Paolo Riva, MAFED Alum from the first edition, now CEO of Diane Von Furstenberg Studio.
The theme of the panel and its structure were chosen for several reasons. First, the strong interest in fashion by people, students and professionals, not currently working in the fashion world. Second, the growing importance in the industry of new aspects that will make a difference: the ability to envision trends and changes, the human factor's power, and the roles of the European and US markets when answering the question of where to compete.
Key takeaways were: marketing, and especially fashion marketing, is no longer a "prohibited" world, and managers should possess integrity among their necessary characteristics. The real key figure in a fashion company is the one of the "visionnaire" leader, fashion should more and more open up to other industries to take inspirations and competencies.
Given the success of the event (more than 100 people in attendance) we are ready for the next! Are you?
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