- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 8 May 2025
- 6 days
- Class
- Italian
Manufacturers should be obliged to contribute to recycling and reutilizing the packaging of their products: this is an opinion shared across the globe by four out of five adults. And as many as 71% go so far as to assert that single use plastic should be banned altogether as soon as possible, a move that will soon go into effect in Canada and the European Union. Recent IPSOS research highlights these and other findings in: A Throwaway World. The Challenge of Plastic Packaging and Waste. This study surveyed over 19,000 adults representing 29 countries on five continents.
Il corso fornisce indicazioni operative volte a ottimizzare la gestione dei dati, valutando le opportunità alternative disponibili per la propria azienda e valorizzando al meglio il contenuto informativo dei dati stessi.
Acquisire strumenti e competenze per affrontare le sfide di un ambiente in continua evoluzione e aumentare l’impatto della tua leadership in azienda.