SDA Bocconi Insight, a new platform to share and boost the value of knowledge

SDA Bocconi Insight


“Insight” is one of SDA Bocconi’s keywords for the new decade. In a world which increasingly needs to embrace novelty and diversity, a crucial task rests on corporate culture-makers – they are responsible for creating dynamic contexts where it is possible to share a deep and wide knowledge. This is precisely the mission of SDA Bocconi Insight, which will be entirely devoted to the dissemination of the body of knowledge produced by our School’s Faculty and Community.


This publishig initiative adds to our School’s cultural project: an online platform in Italian and English will amplify Faculty- and Community-based contents, ranging from research outcomes and case studies to social and economic trend analyses or comments by top scholars and experts.


A direct consequence of the School’s reaching out to an ever wider audience – says Dean Giuseppe Soda – is “the cross-fertilization of the various channels of cultural transmission, governing these fluxes in an integrated way and rooting them in rigorous and consistent methods and techniques up to the standards of superior scientific research. And there is more to it: the goal is achieving maximum dissemination and pervasiveness in a lifelong-learning perspective”. That is to say that top standards in the production of knowledge marry the idea of overcoming the concept of culture as a “proprietary asset” in order to let sharing boost value – not steal away from it. Which is an uncommon practice in the academic world.


SDA Bocconi Insight heads for a new and exciting journey through key management subjects to companies and institutions. The platform will consist of several sections, including some multimedia ones:

  • Theory to Practice: managerial implications (so what) of the most noteworthy outcomes of SDA Bocconi’s research, presented in a non-technical style.
  • Management Cases: syntheses of especially important case studies, with links to detailed explanations.
  • Research Update: papers devoted to forthcoming or recent research by SDA Bocconi’s Faculty, with a focus on the methodology of projects.
  • Zoom on: op-eds about management, current events or economic and social scenarios, signed by qualified observers in the Faculty.
  • Impact Stories: stories attesting the impact of our educational activities on businesses, and work life at the organizational and individual level.
  • Society Insight: analyses of social, consumer and lifestyle trends and phenomena, in partnership with IPSOS.
  • From Class to Business: stories of successful startups born in the classrooms of SDA Bocconi
  • Blogs: current and relevant subjects periodically addressed and discussed with platform users.


SDA Bocconi Insight is a new window on managerial and organizational culture which goes with other developments attesting the School’s vitality and attention to the new global scenarios. These include the new Campus, located at the heart of Milano: a cutting-edge facility from the architectural, urban and environmental points of view. And the new pay-off “Designed for your world”, which emphasizes both the School’s international mission and its ability to design, create and customize its offer so as to effectively help people and organizations “look beyond”, and making lifelong learning a transformative experience.



SDA Bocconi School of Management

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