Reputation and career outcomes make the SDA Bocconi GEMBA fly

QS Global EMBA Rankings 2019


Milano, 17 April 2019
Success is always a matter of good results and solid reputation. This is confirmed by the QS Global EMBA Rankings 2019, which grant SDA Bocconi’s GEMBA a score of 84.9 out of 100 and place it 16th out of 134 Global EMBA programs worldwide, and 8th out of 55 in Europe. This outcome doubles the success in these outstanding rankings of our Full-Time MBA.


Our GEMBA is above average in all 5 evaluation parameters and clearly stands out in the two metrics that alone account for 55% of the total score, i.e. Employer Reputation (30%) and Academic Reputation (25%): in the first one – an employability metric based on responses from hundreds of thousands of global employers in recent years – we reach 91.6 out of 100 against an average of 64.6; in the second one – based on the opinion about universities and business schools given by 100,000 academics in more than 60 countries – we score 90.4 points against an average of 60.6. And we reach 90 points even in Career Outcomes, that accounts for 20% of the total score (10% for the average salary increase pre to post program and the other 10% for the percent of the class receiving promotions within 12 months of graduating).


“It is a medal on the field for our GEMBA, that has proven to be a very challenging and really transformative journey,” commented Program Director Ferdinando Pennarola. This is a great starting point for the new edition of SDA Bocconi's GEMBA, which is now developed in partnership with the Rotman School of Management in Toronto and held in 7 cities around the world, to ensure an increasingly strong international footprint.


“This result confirms the value of our GEMBA and the relevance of truly global educational and training programs. The partnership with one of the best business schools in North America adds all the more to the quality and global scope our GEMBA can offer in the next years”, Dean Giuseppe Soda underlined.


SDA Bocconi School of Management

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