SDA Bocconi on the European podium of The Economist

Third place in Europe for the School, which gains 11 positions in the ranking of the best MBAs in the world


A big leap forward for SDA Bocconi school of management which climbs 11 places, passing ahead of schools of the calibre of MIT, Yale and INSEAD, and places 13th in the world in the ranking of the best MBA programs published today by The Economist. This result also allows the Full-Time MBA of the School, the only Italian present, to step onto the podium of the best European programs, earning 3rd place.


The ranking is based 56% on data supplied by the schools and 44% on the evaluations provided by current students and recent graduates. The criteria analyzed cover four main categories: new career opportunity openings, personal development and the educational experience, salary increase after the MBA and the potential for networking.

"Rankings symbolically represent the harvest after a long and tiring work of sowing and caring for our educational programs, such as the MBA," comments Giuseppe Soda, Dean of the School of Management. "These results are not random, but the result of a daily commitment to nurture the educational experiences of our students with our passion for knowledge creativity and scientific rigor, plurality and internationality. We are proud to represent Italy in the highest positions in a very difficult and competitive global context.”  


"The decision to do an MBA," adds Francesco Daveri, programme director, "is a very important investment for our participants. We are happy that it proves to be a turning point in their professional and personal lives".


SDA Bocconi confirms itself once again as the only Italian school present in all the most important international rankings.


SDa Bocconi School of Management

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