SDA Bocconi confirms place in Europe top 10 of the Financial Times


In the ranking of the best MBA programs, the quality of the school's program was acknowledged by participants and recruiters. It is the second best program in Europe for salary increase obtained by graduates

Internationalization, diversity and experiential teaching: these are the three pillars that make the MBA program of SDA Bocconi School of Management so valued by participants and by recruiters from all over the world. These parameters confirm the school in the European top 10 of the ranking of the best Full-Time MBAs published by the Financial Times. The program - the only Italian one in the ranking of the top 100 programs - ranks 31st in the world and is confirmed 9th in Europe.

SDA Bocconi's Full-Time MBA is an international program that feeds on marked diversity, with 70% of participants coming from 31 different countries, while maintaining a solid base of Italian participants. A crucial contribution to diversity comes also from the presence of women in the classroom, which rose by 10 percentage points to 42% of participants, without the introduction of quotas. The FT ranking is based on about 20 parameters: from the evaluation of student performance in the job market three years from graduation to data provided by the individual schools. SDA Bocconi's program stands out for the increase in the post-MBA salary of participants (+124%), the second best in Europe, and for the international mobility of its graduates (14th in the world).

"Our teaching leverages on the quality of the Bocconi faculty's research", explains Francesco Daveri, Director of SDA Bocconi's Full-Time MBA. "But what also makes the difference is the participation of top-level external speakers, from large entrepreneurs (starting with those of the Made in Italy) and top managers of multinationals, up to leading central bankers and policy makers in Italy and Europe. They are the ones who make our MBA a fantastic mix of learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom.” Over the past year, the MBA class has been able to meet and talk with, among others, Ilan Goldfajn, Governor of the Brazilian Central Bank, Howard Schultz, Emeritus President of Starbucks, Federico Sturzenegger, former Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina, Ermenegildo Zegna, CEO of Ermenegildo Zegna Group, Lucrezia Reichlin, entrepreneur and former ECB Chief Economist, Riccardo Illy, President of Illy Group, and Vittorio Colao, former CEO of Vodafone Group.

The high regard graduates enjoy in the job market is reflected in the fact that 87% are employed within three months from graduation, and their international mobility by the fact that more than 50% find work in a country other than the one where they worked before. The international experiences offered by the School are based on a network of over 30 business school partners worldwide (including India, USA, China and Brazil) and companies that offer internship opportunities around the world.


Source: ViaSarfatti25

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